The Press-Tribune from Roseville, California (2024)

PAGE TWO ROSEVILLE TRIBUNE AND REGISTER, ROSEVTLLE, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1934 Contractors Must Renew State License ists to desist The statement in part reads: "It Is unlawful to cut or remove for commer Picking Flowers Is Prohibited by Laws i Gi rt AR cial purposes the above flora, from any public or private land without the written consent of the owner. "To knowingly sell or transport for sale the above flora cut or removed from state or county highway rights-of-way or any public land or private land without the written consent of the owner." LIDA LARR I MORE SACRAMENTO, June 12. (W'NC) It is unlawful to cut destroy or remove any native tree, shrub, fern, he bulb cactus or flower on state or county highway Many tourists have been pickfng the posies lately and the highway department has issued a warning to motor BEVERLY HILLS. Well, all I know is just what I read in the par pers, or see high and low. You know I wrote to vou in rs, V-V fniTM one, of my little I ij epitaphs the other Yd the Secretary of SACRAMENTO, June 11 Contractors and builders In Flacer county were cautioned today that they must file an application, for the renewal, of their state contractors' license before June 80, if they expect to remain in business.

Warning that the licenses' of approximately 22,000 registered contractors throughout California would become delinquent June 30 was broad-east today by Glen V. Slater, assistant state registrar of contracts. Under state law, all contractors are compelled to register. The renewal fee is $5.00 if the renewal application is filed before June 30. A delinquent fee of making a total license fee of $10, is required on all licenses issued after June JuJt Js illegal -for a contractor to operate without a license.

The contractors' registration act was -enacted by tfie Legislature upon the request of (he various unified factions in the state's building and construction industry, as a means of protecting the public and the industry itself from unscrupulous builders. The Contractors' License Bureau, Slater pointed out, is a self-sustaining state agency and is being operated without cost to the taxpayers. Part Two Agriculture, Wat-lace, in one of the old California Missions. Well it was no made up joke. You see he bad been out here on a speaking and- 1b tour, and he was naturally doing a little sight seeing on the side.

CHAPTER I. Janie 1b summoned Now Open for Tom calmly threw a bomb into the family circle. Grove has sold Bjfrthe-ever-nor's House'," he said. Celia lifted startled eyes. "You're going to live in the Square?" Mother's voice was incred i '( I -i ulous! Well I had been down to La Jolla to Barbecued Sandwiches (Prepared by the Master Chef, John Gnagi) 1 Of course." Tom leaned back In boms from college when iter tataer is artously hurt la an auto accident.

Hash, bitterly blaming himself, tella ber be feels responsible, for allowing elderly physician to drive at night. Mm eyesight not fitting bim for the task. Kennedy bad been at a theatre with Celia, she Insisting on bis going, ud Celia Is shaken out of her selflsb-meas in the thought that she is In a iray responsible for ber father's condition. CHAPTER 1L Hovering between the funeral of a friend, and a very dear old friend of Fred Stone's, Mr. Hennoek.

a retired business man his chair. "These people who will support me when 1 break into pol: itics. This is where I 6hall live." from Chicago, Just about as sweet a "That's a good idea." Father smiled character as you would una. tie was a fine citizen and a big loss to the town. his approval.

He liked Tom. He thought that he would succeed. "We'll keep one of them here, Helen, he MODESTO, Calil. U.R) The campaign against drunken drivers continues to extend to drivers of vehicles other than automobiles. Charles Meader recently was arrested on a charge' of driving his bicycle while Well one should never pass any of these Missions without stopping and added, reaching down the table to pat Celia's hand.

"I consider it a great idea." z. oing in. They are among the great drunk. Uncle Charlie chuckled. Mother looked distressed.

Celia said nothing at all. Besides," Tom continued, "that Dancing and Entertainment KATIE BURTON at tke PUno BEER and WINES On Rocklin Road Just Outside East City Limits Come Out and See Us Some Time house, for years, has been my favorite me ana aeaui, wciot- vauara occupies a hospital bed. Hugh shoulders the burdens of the double work. The doctor improves, and Celia returns to Ler normal self, happy as the Indulged pet of ber family and friends, and In Hugh's adoring love. Janie's only thoughts are for ber father, and sympathy for Hugh in his self-condemnation.

CHAPTER III. The family learns that Doctor Ballard's spine is injured that he may never be able to walk again. There Is hope in an operation, lor which be must be taken to New York. Celia meets Carter Shelby again and feels the old attraction. CHAPTER IV.

The doctor ialtaken to New York, Mrs. Ballard going with Mm. Janie decides to remain at home, but they did it all, no overproduction, no underconsumption, no tariffs, no processing taxes, no birth control with hogs, no plowing under every third row of free holy beans. Thousands lived in each of these valleys, until the Gringos come. They gummed it up proper, bo I think Mr.

Wallace's thoughts must have been on the way these people did the thing that all our civilization seems -to 'say we can't do. Wallace knows there is a way, because ha stood -on the very-ground where it worked. historical spots or our uouniry. inis one was built in 1776. That's the year our last World Series was over with England.

I don't know much history, but I have looked at many a one of those pictures labelled of 1776." It stirs the spirit of you. I expect it's a terrible bad painting, and maby worse music, but its a heroic looking group. One has his head tied up I remember, one's got a flute, and I believe the little fellow has a drum. It and Washington fetanding up In that boat trosslng (I think it was the Del-aware) those two constitute all the art theyjiad in those days. Nothing being painted now will ever live that long.

We tore ourselves loose from England in that year, it's a question of who it was a better deal for. There was an awful lot of things before 177S that we wasent "Blessed" with when dream. The Governor's House." "Youll probably make the title Father said. "YouH probably get there, Tom. "Thank you, sir." Tom expected to make the title authentic.

There was a confidence about him. Mother brightened. Celia's lashes lifted. Great-nncle Charlie made gallant amends. To the Governor's Ladyi- The old mar lifted hir gobletand smiled his waggish smile.

They made a ceremony of drinking the toast Celia was very gay. Janie wondered what she was thinking. She knew, after dinner, when she heard Mother and Celia talking upstairs in Celia's room. Celia was weeping. Mother was attempting to soothe her.

Janie, who had meant to mot finishing her college course. The operation Is unsuccessful. Doctor Ballard will not regain the use of bis legs, and Hugh announces his deter-anlsaUea to stay "as long as the pbyst dan needs him," even though that Vernon St. means the postponement of his wedding- with Celia. She resents Hugh's we were under England.

Just men RVvS attitude, which means she is not to rt away- from Mulberry- Square, but tion any problem that's facing our Country taday, and it wasent with-us before 1776, Do you realize there was no Senate, and no Congress? Then Ito tbere is no open break in their Iota, enter the outside the Phones .81 and 281 door. Tne physician's financial affairs are found to be badly involved. -Janie you talk about freedoms Ka inflattoai "It's a fine old. house," Mother sold. watches, with nnhappiBess, the devel "and very attractive opments oi me Biiuauon.

comiorcea la the thought IhatLHugk turns to iMLiiiiiK Mill it, i ilTnrrir'' at times, for consolation. defla-tion, reforests tloBr sophistication. The only think Uka-today was had no money. But we had no debts. Courft you had a Utile Indian trouble, about cue tenth as much as you do today with your kidnapers.

If an? trouble showed up, why you had Paul Revere to saddle old "Ned" and crime CHAPTER Celia, mi of paUBC at what she considers Hugh's morbid' ness, and confident she has only to appeal to Carter Shelby to find a down the valley, and holler, "The warm welcome, goes to Washington to ee him. There she learns from bim Siouxesror Blaekfeetare coming And Paul was more surefire thani teleohone. that he Is engaged to Cella's wealthy cousin, Muriel, and her hope is gone. She decides to return home at once, trusting to conceal the reason for ber Suppose the fellow that wants to warn you that somebody is coming after you hasent got a nlckle. Well, absence.

i he cant warn you. But In those days CHAPTER VL Great-Uncle Charlie indirectly of Celia's escapade, evervbody had a horse. They must FRIDAY, SATURDAY and TIONDAY Sugar c. 31Ibs.c Viiiegar 11G3 MM Peas il5c and that she went to see Carter She! fcy. He has received a letter from his nephew, Doctor Ballard, containing aews which is to be kept to himself, have been great old days at that The tax in those days that we fought to do away with, must have amounted to at least five per cent of what it is today.

They were very religious people that come over here from the old Country. They were very human. They would shoot a couple of Indians on the way to every prayer meeting. But whats all that bat which affords him great satisfaction. He tells Hugh and Janie of his knowledge of Celia's trip to Washing Spinach Milk 3cansl7c ton.

Hugh begins to waver In his lore for and his belief in Celia. if. Cheese. H5C got to do with what was happen- I Xh 1 KeDogg's Pep pItg. S5c Soirw3for25c Whole Kernel Golden Bantam CHAPTER VIL Celia's explanation of nerabsence is received coldly by Hngh.

He has begun to realize her akallow but neither of them is wining to break the engagement An accident to Janie, which might have been serious, but was slight, opens Hugh's eyes. He realizes it is the Uttle fellow" he really loves, and "But this square, Moi her." "1 know, dear." Mother sighed. Bo use coaxing Tola Celia ssid plaintively." "He does exactly as he pleases." "He Isn't unkind to you, Mother asked quickly. -J'Not exactly," Celia admitted'But he's as stubborn as a mule.It's very hard to bear." "Why did you do it, Celia?" Mother, by wire, by mail and in person had asked that question a hundred times. "Do you think I would stand In Janie's way?" Celia murmured reproachfully.

"Of course not, dear," Mother said proudly, "You are always generous and kind. Aunt Rose wrote me that It was brave but very foolish of you to make such a sacrifice. She's going to give you a complete set of flat silver." "Is she?" Celia, Jante thought, was forgetting to be plaintive. "I want the same pattern as Muriel's. Do you think she will get it, Mother?" "I'm sure she will," -Mother answered.

"Aunt Rose "I wanted to do what was best" The silver harp strings were muted. "Janie's happiness means a great deal to me." "I've always said," Mother murmured tearfully, "that you have a sweet disposition." Janie's left eyebrow co*cked itself whimsically. She couldn't feel angry at Celia. There was no room for resentment in her happy heart She curled herself up in the window seat and fell to dreaming. "Janie wouldn't have minded staying," Celia said presently; "It's strange that she should be the one to go." "I don't understand it, Celia." Mother never understood anything that she didn't want to believe.

"I don't understand it at Janie didn't understand it either. It was amusing that Hugh should -love her. She fell into wideawake dreams which, miraculously, were 'true. It had been an eventful year. But the hard times were over now.

Mother was at home. Father was taking a nap in his, own room down the hall. At any moment, Hugh" might be calling her to ride with bim out into the country. It seemed like a beautiful tells her so. Her happiness is com ing out' here on the west side of Uncle Sam? An old Priest had come up into the Country -Father Junipero Serra and he built Missions and schools, and taught the Indians trades, and the churches were run like big ranches.

They each had plete. Soda Pv 2for ltSc y2-u. pic. CHAPTER VIII. Celia, aware of Hugh's changed feelings, and of his lore for Janie, appeals to ber old ad Rice mirer, Tom McAllister.

He is going on a business trip to California, and Unity Brooms ea. S3c Red White Picnic Tin, Graprait Jfflce 4 forS9c Pineapple Joice 9C BlackearirSc -Ib. pkg. fl9c 6 forc Red White oadly arranges for an Immediate mar UUg 1 UUU Nona riage, so that he can take ber with him. Hugh accepts the situation with equanimity, and Janie Is blissfully Swift.

thousands of cattle, and horses and sheep. He was an odd old fellow. He could pray without shooting an Indian first He was a greater humanitarian than all the Pilgrims combined, including the 3 million tha come on the Mayflower. No such man ever set liappy. Ilbarsl9c.

Laundry Soap (Continued from Wednesday) foot on the Eastern Shore. He civil There was a great deal of confusion at dinner. Mother sat behind the cof fee urn and smiled tremendously. ized with a Bible, and the old Pilgrim boys did it with a blunderbuss. There was never a church in the East built for Indians to worship.

Father, in his familiar place, ate a little, sipped Uncle Charlie's sherry, embraced them all in the genial So as I accidentally run onto Secre inger Ale pis. 2 for 23 warmth of his smile Stoney stood behind his chair and could not be per suaded to move. Mrs. Quillen hov tary Wallace in San Juan Capistrano, 65 miles out of Los Angeles, although me, not of that faith, he viewed it with great reverence. Each community farmed and raised everything, (and these Missions were not in a great watered country remember) ered in the doorway.

Janie left her place beside Hugh half a dozen times to perch on the arm of Father's chair 20 Mule Team Currants Kentucky Wonder Green Beansv 3 Ibs. E2c Lettuce head 5C Spuds sh fl lbs. age Tomatoes ft. Sc Bananas lb. 5c 344 Size Juice Oranges" 2 doz.

2Sc and Test her cheek against his. dream. She wanted Celia to be happy. She sounded happier now. She and Moth "I'm so happy," was all that she Chips could say.

It was quite enough. She berry leaves, rough and heart-shaped er were making plans to go to Wash made a song of It. Gay little laugh ington for Muriel's wedding. ing notes sprinkled themselves "Poor Muriel!" Janie heard Celia through the air. Father smiled at Hugh.

"You won't have to make the sacri fice, my boy," he said kindly. "You can go whenever you like." "I shall stay as long as you need ane." Hugh answered in a choked Sort of Toice. MAnd when I go He looked at Janie. Every one Red White Grapefruit No-u. 2 for Crab Sardmes Xt.

Slamoa wS Red White Vienna Sausage 3 for 2SC Sunspun Sandwich Spread pt E9C looked at Janie. She felt that Her cheeks were flushing, that her eyes were shining like stars. "Janie is so young," Mother ob jected. say with a note of complacency in her voice. "She has always loved Tom." "And Carter Shelby really wasn't" Mother hesitated.

"I'd rather not talk about it, please." Janie knew that Mother would always believe that Carter Shelby, had been rejected because he had failed to measure up to Celia's high ideals. That was Just as well. It would make Mother feel a little superior to Aunt Lucy. People were amusing. Janie sighed and smiled.

v- Tom presently came up "the steps with a square white box in his hand. "Where's my wife?" he asked. "You like to say that don't you?" Janie teased. "It makes me feel Important." Celia met him at the door of the lilac and Ivory room. She kissed him prettily.

Tom presented the box. "For the Governor's Lady," he said. "Thank you, dear." Celia assumed an imposing manner. She wasn't unhappy, Janie. thought.

Celia could never be very unhappy. She was playing the Governor's Lady "Time will take care of that" Fa and silver-lined rustling softly above their heads. "It's like the night we sat here a year ago," Hugh said. "Only very much nicer." Janie nestled close beside him. Her hand slipped into his.

"I shouldn't have dared to do this a year ago." "Did you want to, little fellow?" "I liked you," she "And I liked you." "You hated Mulberry Square." "I don't hate it now i Do you remember that I told you I had found right here the loveliest thing in life?" "But you didn't mean me," she said. "I think I always meant you," Hugh said thoughtfully. "You have all the qualities that I tried to find in Celia." They were silent for an interval. The mulberry trees whispered quietly The locusts scattered their fragment blossoms. The tipsy old lamp-posts tried to stand up straight.

They all knew Janie. -She was a favorite in the Square. "Hugh," she said presently. "Yes, darling?" "There's one thing that bothers me very much." "What Is it, little fellow?" "You might be sorry He tilted her chin, smiled at the solemn expression on her grave little ther patted her band. "Plans, Hugh?" "No definite ones." Hugh still MEAT SPECIALS For FRIDAY nd SATURDAY Beef Roaste 'DkE Veal Roasts lb.

UmhrA Cc 2-oz. WluVIfingpSOc Lean looked at Janie. "Well go abroad for a year or two." We! That meant Janie and Hugh. She knew it was true but it seemed Uke a beautiful "We'll talk about it later," Father aid. "'Surprised, weren't you? Uncle Charlie knew." "But I didn't tell." The old man chuckled.

He glanced at Celia. Janie glanced at Celia. Her lashes shadowed her eyes. What was she think lag? Was she happy? Her hand, lifting a goblet, trembled. Drops of water spilled down on the cloth.

Mother -looked at her anxiously. are your plans, darling?" she asked. "Where are you going to live?" i "Tom fcasn't told Celia an-ewered, twisting the stem of the gob-lei. "He says it's a surprise." and Tom was faintly amused. Rib or 3jiihi ft.

"Janie!" That was Hugh! Ill It was quiet under the mulberry Mazda pts. H6C Qts. 29c gal.55c pointed face "There Isn't much to you," he said softly, "except your hazel eyes and trees. The hurdy-gurdy had trundled itself away. The children had gone and the shabby old men who at In the Square.

WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES your lovely your courage and your loyalty. I love you. I think I can make them do." They sat on a bench near the foun (THE END) tain, Janie and Hugh, with the mul-.

The Press-Tribune from Roseville, California (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.