The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)



PROHIBITION. MEETING OF TiiE NATIONAL CENTRAL PROHir.I i llflf Grocnsboro ole. GrirF.ssDoi:i. Nov. :50.

A lively ir.tero-st ivi hown bore in- the Silcr City fair which fakes place tomoi vow lK'Xt day, and Greensboro will fe-nd a good fgatiou. A large crowd arid a fine exhibit are expected. A largo number of preachers passed t'arough here this morning to the Methodist Conference which convenes in FuycttviLe. Tho county court house building has just been renovated aud re-paint- ed and looks like a new bailding. With the exception of the one at Ral-t igh, it is said to be the handsomest court house builuirg in Uie State.

A iuau living in the country came to town iturday au iwhibed pretty freely of leg'tluring the day. Lute in the evening Le got into his wagon and started for home, but was io full to know what Le was doing, mi s- il; oiu mot-ting h'm-'iu South Grooiit-boio tied Lis mule to a tree, L'avin him in a druiiken stupor. He -NEW DEVICE FOR GAMBL-iSO. if orESAfj.NU WIHCII A iuca-i-can jailed automatic rnTrrATirN or a mvj.kkt OTlIEli NEWS 131' WVii- Nov. mWiu.

Sk-kel, who was found guilty in Judge Baker's court yesterday of a violation the gambling law, was fine 1 and cost.B this morning wfts or dered committed till he paid ti lice. flie confrt-overruled 'his motion for i hew'trial. Skakel's 'offence was. whl known Hs "Running the a mechanical device whereby Skitki f's "customers'" were enabled to bet against hi money on the fluctuation of a fictitious 1'nportaiit DccIhIoii. Cuiiifoo Nov.

150. Jiulgv rul-y, this a. hi. rendered an inti decision suit in-volving the liabil- of the Independeut Onier For esters undr their poJieieF. The suit was brought on ho npplica-tion of th high court of il.e hoeicty help it -Arrive at an f.jiii of a disputed claim of SLo nature indicated.

Wm. II. Niemt yor was a member of the' Order in good standing. was insured for Svl.OOO, the policy ibeing made out payable to his wife, lie died in 188(5, leaving a will bequeathing 500 of the insur ance money to nis sons an tue re maining JfpOO to Lis wife. Hib wife made a-claim on the society for the whole sumi and the society tiled a bill have the wife and two sons uue-r- plead as to the ownership.

deciding his peculiar case today Tuley said Some Courts, perceiving a resem blance benefit cei'ilicatee issued by these mutual aid assooia- tions- and policies of life insurance. have applied rules and law governing life insurance policies in deciding questions arising under these benett certificates. In ordinary hie a policy where the amount insured is expressly made payable to the wife or other named beneficiary, tho policy is held a contract between the benlici-ary named -in the policy and the com- pany insuring the same; ana sueii the same; and such contract cannot be. changed without i tho consent of the beneficiary." After S0me explanatory' remarks i i i I as to the dinerences in the next election in lJSbo upon the ques-cases alluded' to, the judge said tion whether to increase the number 1 ri 1 now -B'shop Bedell, of Ohio, is reported convalescent. 't The mayor and twelve coiincil- i aaeu of Omaha, are in the county I Hi3 for contempt of court.

1 i It- is confidently asserted in i Itiihniond that Mr. J. H. Inman will the presidency of the Rich- iiond and Danville railror d. j' Mrs.

Langtry did a treinendcus i business in Boston last week with i'jAs In a Looking Glass," aud the Bty i-The St. Jaci Gazette, of DLon- sucrcests that Mr. Jav Gould sell controlling interest in Western itjion to a syndicate of London capi- trusts. i -A Chicago grand jury is inyesti gating the bucket shop business and Qertain board of trade members are likely, it is said, to be called upon for explanations. ir-The five hundred miners at4Dun (pqlliery, near Scranton, who lave been out on strike four months 4gainst a cut in wages, are to go to rork the old rtes.

Jj-An Indiana reformatory for fomen has been investigated- It Was found that prisoners were beaten wijh the cat o'-nine-tailB and otherwise brutally treated. The recent cold snap has soa wUat alarmed Florida Orange growers, and the Savannah News says the otasequence is that the fruit is being pushed forward more rapidly: than v'er. 1 I John Peters, a giant, seven feet I four inches in height, died in Chicago Sunday, of typhoid fever. Peters was Only 21 years old, and came to Amer-1 ica about a year ago. He had been on Exhibition at a museum.

rEx-Gov. St. John, of Kansas in an interview in Chicago said the results pi the recent State elections were gratifying to the prohibitionists. He claimed that they were steadily increasing in numbers, and that prohibition was a success in Kansas. He Said he would not under any circ*mstances be a candidate for President.

Milton, has formed a club 6snce the county went dry for the benefit of those that woffid take sugar in theirs. Parties may become members by paying into the fund cf the club $5, 10 or $15, as the: case: pjay be. When the whisky arrives it is placed in a barrel. An ingenious registering clock is attached which registers each member's drinks until his number is out, and then renews bis subscription. I-.

At a meeting of the pastors of the various Protestant denominations in Chicago the subject of Sabbath desecration was discussed. Rev. C-iEj. Mandeville read five papers on the subject, and moved that they be pre- pen ted to the Washington Conference, with the understanding that the conference appoint a committee to lay jthe subject before Congress. They bgmdemn Sunday newspapers, the! running of railroad trains and all Ifrms of labor.

The Dnc d'Aumale tells the correspondent of the New York Times that the French republic is fast disintegrating and the monarchy is ready to step in, "but not by back door." At the last elections, be says, the popular majority for the republic was only 300,000, and recent events, he thinks, will destroy it. "Bather dreary men," is the description the Due cdves of MM. Brisson and Gob let and Carnot, the republicans talked as M. Grevy's successor. Selling chickens by the quarter peems rather mali busines, yet a dealer in the Philadelphia Central market sells them in that way, ine bis Drice for a fore-quarter of ehicken fifteen cents and for a hind- ciuarter ten cents.

Un rnantSBivins' )ay and the day before his prices were eitrht and fire cents respectively. It seems that this idea of making JfW lots of a chicken wu that of a charitable citizen, whose object wasf to eiVe the poor a chance to buy chicken, especially, when ordered by the dctor 'for chicken broth. It is not a profitable business so far. On the contrary, iha loss on sales since the experiment was begun, near a year ago, has been about three hundred dollars, but the benevolent man who makes good toss to the dealer is not discoura the and nones to make the business tay In the long run. His is practical bhi- lanthrophy of an unpretending but Useful sort.

TERRORIZED BY A NEGRO. A Womia Attempt Suicide In Or, ir.lo Kccapc (he PersecutioM Brut. A cpecial from Farkersburgi W. Va-j to the Baltimore Ametykqn, November 28, says: A few days ago a colored man was bound over by crand iurv for attemntin? to enter (he house of Miss Maria a highly respected maiden lady of city, with criminal intent. Thfe; circ*mstances were so brutal that every -pne was surprised when the grand jury rose at the present term of COurt without finding any indictment agjainst him.

The reason has juBt come put. Two or three days ago the yoonfo-ruan was found almost dead atH her home from the effects of some4 poison she had taken with suicidal ifleht. Her life was saved by hard worUylajid when she recovered she said ihaijj af-ier the colored man had' been bojund oyer he came to her house, and Haw ing a large knife, threatened: tq kill her if she appeared before the grand jury to testify against him. Nearly very day until the grand jarymet ho visited her in the same thrcjjiten-ung manner, bo that she was frightened, and when the grand ury ine1f left the State in order to avoid being summoned. Having accomplished his and no indictment jbeing found against him, he continued to tormlf nt and frighten the wdman un til she concluded to take her lifij and escape further persecution.

The woman is closely watched but deio ares her intention to commit The bigh character of the woman ill the past makes it generally belie-vedj that she fears personal violence, father than to suffer which she prefers death. A warrant-is to be issued for her persecutor. A Ton i i of is i ity to to flir Drummer l.tirnsrTni. This case game up in the United States Circuit Court in this city yt s-tcrday beforof Judges Bond and Seymour. Aji has been mentioned it involves the constitutionality of a State law imposinjan annual tax of 100 each ou all drummers selling goods tho State by sample.

The annual revoime to the State arising from this servfw is ove 80,000. A steieiuonc of the case iu brief is follows: la July, 18.SC, A derson, a drummer, was arrested in Kdouton, Chowan county, for selling without having a drummer's lie. me. He; was bound over to appear at Chowan Superior Court to inswer for violating the State law. Shortly artofwardsthe, being backetj a drummer's union, determined to; the constitutionality of the Stato t-av.

Ho released his bondsmen aai in 'leielorod jiimself to the sheriff of Jhownn county. Ho then suod out a ivrit of habeas corpus returnable the 4 United Slates Circuit Coiit; in Baltimore and he writ wai granted. At a hearing chambers-'in Baltimore, it was eidi that the case should bo until tho present term of tho Circuit Court in tbis city, aud that in 'ueantimo ho arrests of drum-aiess apprehended without license be niade. When case was called yesterday, there Appeared for the State-Vttorncy General Davidson, M( ssrs.'le and Mordecai and BatchefcrA; Jeviereux.

petitioner was by Hon. Slipwith Wilmer and aiicis H. Darby. of the Baltimore bar. i 1 he inaiu question was whether or not the petitioner should be remand-, to Chowan county Superior Court stand triffl for violating the State iaw in that county.

The 'State contended th.afe the Court had discretion remand the petitioner to custody hat he might stand trial in the Su-! perior Court of Chowan county to which he' wfia bound before his bail Huireudereilj him for the purpose of the proceedings, and' that the courts, Federal and State would jus-. tify this; anil relied on the several tnscs of 'i ex parte RSvall aa iiuiuo! also, tnat tno court should determine to decide the case din its merittSf that the d.ffertnce between the- drummersi clauses of Tenhessee law and of the' law of North Carolina vonld justify the court in adhering to the lu of decisions made prior to the decision of; tho Robbins case from Tennessee iti October, 188G, in which was held ihat the discrimination in favor of citizens against non-residents wa3 the test of the unconstitutionality of such ks-ws. The State also cited ar ase recently sent from Texas to tho U. S. Supreme Court, with similar pro vif ions' iwith regard to drummers f.s aro in the North Carolina law, in vhioh it.

'was held that the provisions were not unconstitutional. This case is now before tho U. S. Supreme Court upon a writ of The counsel for tho petitioner contended thaidhe case of RobbinB vs. Shelby county taxing district, of by the U.

S. Su-jux-nio Court at October term, 188G, upon-' the (Constitutionality of provisions in tha'Tennessee law similar to those in the North Carolina- law, re-; lating to was decisive of the case in hand. Tt Robbins case from Tennes-i ee was vefy similar to the one just heard in this court and the U. S. Supreme Court decided that the Tennessee law imposing a tax on drummers was the Chief Justice andtwo other Judges, however dissenting from this decision.

After the argument was heard, the Court, in view of the possible arrest of tho petitioner and other drummers by other sheriffs, -decided to take jurisdiction of the case, and upon the merits were of the opinion that tho- Robbins case from Tenneeseo was decisive of tiis and therefore or-, dered the discharge and release of the petitioner. Thereupon the State prayed for an appeal to the U. S. Court which was granted. SifJr-gtion is a privilege all can make use of and would suggest to the my-l fails of Bu.fivrers from bullous fever and indigestion, to use Laxador, whose curative lover these diseases is grate-lully appreciated by thousands.

Price 25' cents. Rnbies light to bo well taken care of their system does not allow the elighet-t If- Jour baby suffers from colic: or bowel diporders procure a bottle x)P Dr. Bull's Paby Syrup, a safe and always eliable remedy. Only 25 cents. The Jiew York Central is makirg practical application of steam-heat- ing in its passenger cars, and distnt- ltes invitations to aa exhibition of the appliances in use on its trains.

PURE puperior excollenc j.ri.v.-n in mil ihun uaartei oi iwiiim for more It is by ttn" Uniteit' su.t. leivrrnmenU Endorsed--by the wt (ireat; Univerttuos aa toe the stroeiijest. Purest and moet fletUtli ful. tr. Price's tho Only Baking Powder that d.K'B-ttot contain Ammonia, Lime oi Alum.

Hti-ld only in Cans. BAKING POWDEli CO. mrw V(ikK. CinCAQO. trr.

poogi Tlio Mormon Klders' Book on ttdiiresn F. B. Crouc ait Grand St. Ne Hu-sev vs. T' N.

Railroad Co. id Kirg. U'J'K rporations are liable ri: Ui-'' for torts committed by their is or agents, precisely as natural rsons and it is so liable for acts its agents done by its authority, express or implied, though there be neither a written appointment under seal nor a vote of the corporation constituting the agency or authorizing the act, The corporation and its servants by whose act the injury was dono ii.iiv lie joined in an action of t.nt. The til legations o' the complaint in i this case are sufficiently plain to make the corporation understand the nature the tort with which it is charged and the demurrer is overruled. Stout s.

vcNtill. Ii is improper in suits for injunctive relief to make the sheriff a party. ilice of the order of injunction ic sufficient to officers of the i While one of several partners can not as a light have his personal property exemption out of the partnership effects, yet it may be done with tho consent of all tho partners out this ase.nt must be positive and voluntary and must remain at least until the allotment is actually made. Stato vs. Morgan.

To support an indictment under par. sec IMS 5 of the Code as amend-' od chap. (50, acts 1885, it must be charged that the defendant did "wantonly and wilfully set fire, A charge that the defendant did "wilfully, feloniously, maliciously and wantonly' set fire, tec, will not describe the offence "Wantonly" is a technical word in describing crimes. Where the statute uses the word Lop." and the, indictment charges that the defendant "set fire to a certain house used as a shop and store," the description-is sufficient. State vs.

Tytues. Larceny is both a felony and ant infamous and an indictment under sections and charging the intent to commit the crime of larceny" is sufficient It has often been said, however, that it is better to describ" statutory offences in the words of the statute. There may be united in one count crimes of a cognate character. Where sufficient matter appears to enable the court to proceed to judgment, objections to form that wou'd support a motion to quash are too late after verdict. ') Grissoni vs.

Pickett. fill. The liens given by sections 1 and 1782 of tho Code are con-i lined to debts contracted for work done or materials furnished and the lieu is on the property on which the labor has been expended or to which the materials have been contributed. Therefore here too persons agree to farm on certain conditions and after the payment of the debts there was to be an equal division of the crops, and one has a causa of action against the other for a breach of the contract, i. Men arises under those sections.

Ireland. Dublin, Nov. .30. The Unionists' banquet in Loinster hall this evening was a brilliant affair. The leading merchants and professional men and a number of Catholic Unionists were present.

The balconies were crowded with ladies. Lord Hartington and Mr. Goschen were given an ovation. A toast to the Queen was received with enthusiasm. Everybody rose and joined in the singing of a national anthem, and "God bless the Prince of Wales Mr.

Kenny, an eminent Catholic barrister, in proposing a toast to the Unionist home rule as an insidious misnomer, simplv meaning the dismemberment of tho ipire and the utter ruin of Ireland. The agitatian, he said, had alreudy destroyed the Irish trade and i uiucd Irish credit, but there were hopeful symptoms that the people weie beginning to find out the real tendencies of the agitators' work. Mr. Gochen, who responded, said that the time for anybody being nevt; trial toward separatists had passed. No truce should be allowed with a parly of sedition.

These denominations showing that the most impor-tact part of Ireland was against home rule woukl help to convince England and the world that the agitators' claim of representing Irish sentiment was largoiy delusive. Nicaragua Survey tug Party. Ntu Yor.K, Nov. 30. Early this morning the surveying party which, under the direction of the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company, will mate the linal surveys, boarded the steamer Hondo at her dock and sailed at noon.

She was accompanied down the bay by the steamer Sam Sloan, upon which were the general officers of the canal company, its directors and a large party of guests. The Hondo is to take on a force of eighty native laborers at Fortune Island and Jamaica and will reach Greytown about December 0th, when the force of laborers will be augmented. The survey will not, it is expected, be completed until April or May. Meeting of Raleigh School Board. The Raleigh school board met in regular monthly session yesterday in the mayor's office.

Miss Willie Ashe, of this city, was elected a teacher in the Murphey school. Miss Kate Fuller and Miss Myrtle Branson were elected assistant teachers in tho Murphey school. A rule was adopted to the effect that no more pupils would be received into the firyt grade duriuir the pres- euL school year except during the two weeks immediately after the Christmas holidays, i his rule applies only to first grade pupils. It was decided to edubiish a training department nude" th supervision and direction ol I'rol uho will be assisted by members of his The department will be open to all who desire to prepare themselves for teaching. The particulars of this school will be announced in a few days.

A small matter, but important. Crosse Blaekwell's Table Salt in stone jars. Twenty-five cents each. J. Hardin.

a I i 1'fWO FISHEKMEN OVERCOMt 4 IS THE WATSRS OF LAKE KKI SEWSTiV F. -OTi FK Eeie, Nov. 30. -Jas. McLuu-h- ln and Robert Pryor, fishi 'men.

xere drowned about half a mile oft" the spore of Presque Isle yesterday. The rAanner of their death is remarkable, 'they started out early yesterday rooming and pulled their nets. making sfuch a large haul that tho" boat is Ijtden nearly to the water's edge. At this time they were two miles from shore, and the surface of the water. Was covered with blush ice st v- dral inches thick.

Tho men weighed anchor "and started back, bu; the 4'ihd rising caused the boat to pitch heavily, and every lurch caused her no ship large quantities of ice. e- ihg that it was impossible to rea -h fyne narbor, the men aTiOre; but when half a turned for mile out an inusually heavy floe drove a large block of ice into the boat and Mte slid under, disappearing from view. The iien struggled in the water and ice lor a time, but were soon overcome 4y cold, in eight of a crowd on shore $'hich could render no assistance. THE PROPOSED JERF DAVIS Kl.D. MRS.

DAVIS REOl'ESTS THAT LHoKTS TO RAISE IT BE STOPI'EP. Augusta, Ga Nov. 30 Some time Since a movement was set on foot at Macon to raise by popular subscrip- lon a Jeff Davis fund. lhe. project $vas heartily approved by the press find people and bade fair be a great Success, but it has now fallen through.

The following letter from Mrs. Davis brought about the abandonment of he project. It is addressed to Col. Mr. Ross, Macon; hairman of he committee having the matter hand "If anything could eu Hear me to our fiiends in lacon it would the solicitude man- for our welfare through the ove felt for my husband; but, my dear si' I me entreat you to let us jthank ye for the effort, but depreciate i-he aecompshment of it.

Both my laughter and I hae received lain education which would s'and Instead of money: Were everything to be swept away which I do not contemplate the blessings of freedom and independence are dearer to us than wealth and ease, and we should not be comfortable under this monied obligation to those who have given afar greater boon to my husband already their hearts. I have been thus frank with you because as Montaigne says 'It is you and it is I hope you will act on my letter." A MILLION A DAY- The Rcrtnucl of the OoTCrnnunl. Washington, D. C. Nov.

30. Tho revenues of the Government from all sources during the month of Novem ber amounted to about .50, 500,000, being an average of a little more than a million a day. The disbursem*nts during the month were usually heavy and nearly equalled the receipts. Over $18,000,000 was paid out on account of pensions. It is estimated at the Treasury department that there has been an increase of nearly a million dollars in the public debt during November.

The French Presidential Election. Paris, Nov. 29. After tho reading tomorrow of President Grevy's message of resignation, the President of the Senate and Chamber of Deputies will formally convoke a congress of the chambers at Versailles on Friday for the purpose of electing a successor to M. Grevy.

Tho leaders of the republican groups have summoned a plenary meeting of the party at Versailles on Friday morning to confer regarding the choice of a candidate. movement is spreading among the members of the right to propose rke-Admiral Pierre D. Hornoy, who is how a member of the Chamber of Deputies, for tho department of Somnir, as a candidate for the presidency. The Dnbltn Meeting of I nlonlal. Dublin, Nov.

30. The Irish Times (Conservative) claims that the Unionist meeting last night was an assemblage of intellect, courage and popular feeling to protest not as a minor ity but as a substantial representa tion of the Irish people against the Che policy of the Home Rule party. Tl: freeman Journal in its comments on the meeting, says the surroundings proved that Lord Hartingtou and Mr. Goschen Were the avowed enemies of Ireland. Detectives, it says, guarded the two Englishmervas if they were a couple of Czars.

The meeting was attended by only those who bad tickets and no claim could be made that it was a free expression of public opinion. The I Dublin A- press (Conservative), says there never was such a meeting before in Dublin. It points out that its supporters in- eluded peers, ecclesiastics, civil dignitaries and the representatives of railway, shipping, banking and pro- fessional interests. Jake Sharp's Case. New Yokk, Nov.

30 It was expected that an application for the release of Jacob Sharp on bail would be made today, but his counsel, Mr. Cochran, explained that he must await the filing of a remittur, which has not yet arrived from Albany Ho expects to securo Sharp's lease to morrow. The favorable dee 'hum of the Court of Appeals seems to have produced little effect on Sharp. Hh still dozes restlessly in his ceil dining the greater portion of ti.e du, artakes of little food and -f ittle interest in anything. The Crown Prince liuiirot Beulin, Nov.

30. Dr. Tel-i Low, the court dentibt, has been summoned to San Itema to operate on tho Crown Prince's teeth. A favorable conclusion is drawn from this circ*mstance, as the operation would have been postponed, it is thought, had the Prince condition not been of of 4 i i I i i LIVELY I A WiiKM vent: Ll.f s. I on THE To t'l A I 1.N 1'MfEN com ri cojS-j in iv u'ne xtion in OTHER NEW Chk aoo.

Id Nov. national centra! committee- of the prohibition party met today in Battery armory. There were, probably persons present during tho The principal objects of the mtli'-g were to select a suctvi-s-or tin- Into John B. Finch, chairman of the committee: to select the time nnJ place tor the holding of the national jincitton and to discuss the 'way au iu-u-s fr'-lcir-rying on tho cauq-aigu The treitif-u-rer-'s ropnrt' showed S1.0IK) ad been paid out; for (Jo v. Si.

John's campaign fpensos The national committee, as arranged, embraces L. C. Calisin, of Alabama; Rev. If. Watkins, of North Car.

lina; JS" V. Smith, of Tennessee; CiantUl, of Texas, and Frank Bart I L). Carscadden, of West e.inia. No other "Southern State is represented in the list furnished for puDiicanon. in.r mooting war.

more like a Sunday school convention than a political convention until discussion arose on i motion to make Mrs. Ltwience Lord a legu! delegate from the State of Georgia. Georgia was not represented, except by this lady, who has been iu Chit-pgo for three months, and who has caused many to think she had changed her residence. The subject was brought up by Mrs. Lord herself, requesting that she be appointed a member of the national committee.

A gallant member of the com nittee injide mo- tion to that effect, which immediately the convention into a tmbu-lent Some insisted'that there was no prohibition party in Georgia and therefore nothing to be represented. Others were in favor of admitting the lady because- she vfas a woman and took so much interest in the work At this Mrs. Lord in a clear voice gave the gentleman a scourging. stand hero ai a rf prc- sentative." said she, "and not as a wo- nvn. In this wok, I want it udor- stood, women stand on an equal tooting with men.

By -and-by we will vote with nienHoo. (Uproar a applause.) I ask to be placed upon this commit' 03 because I want to work. I will go- back to Georgia and organize a paity 'it we have none there now. I was a member of the national committee at Pittsburg and did not anticipate any trouble in being appointed here today." The lady almost won enough votes to secure her appointment, but just as the discussion looked as if it would never end the motion was laid on the table without being voted on. At the afternoon session Samuel Dickey, of Michigan, was elected chairman to succeed Mr.

Fincli, and it was decided to hild the national convention during the first wek in June, 1888. Call for a Democratic fatten Washington, Nov. 30. A caltfor a caucus of the democratic members of the House of Representatives, tomeet next Saturday evening for the purpose of nominating officers of the House to be elected next Monday, has been prepared and will be aathor-itively published tomorrow It seems to bo generally understood among democrat', the Star says', that S. S- Cox, of New York, is be elected permanent chairman of the caucus.

Don't let that eold of yours run on. You think it is a light thing. But it may run inm catarrh. Or into pneumonia. Or oon-Bumption.

Catarre is disgusting. I'aeumonia is dangerous. Consumption is death itself. The breathing apparatus mutt be kept healthy and clear of all obstructions and offensive matter. Otherwise there is trouble ahead.

All the deasee of these parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Boechee's German Syrup- If you don't know this already, thousands and thousands of people can tel you. They have been cured by it, and "know how it is, themselves.1' Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any druggist. Sparta, on Saturday, by a majority of 1C9 in a vote of 1,082, decided in favor of the sale of liquor. The election will dc contested On the ground of the illegality of certain votes.

To you suffer from indigestion, or loss of appetite? Are you tro-ibled' with liver or kidney complaints? TakeYyer's Sarsaparilla. This preparation purifies and vitalizes the blood, thus restoring health and strength to the digestive and assimilative organs. Iry it. Big inducements offered to cash cus- tomers at A. Belsmoyer's, 124 iy-I etteville street, Raleigh.

Papers For Sale. Old newspapers and a lot of; heavy stiff paper for sals at the News and Observer offic Big inducements offered to cash cus- tomers at A. Bolsmeyor's, 121 Fay-etteville street, Raleigh. Big inducements offered to cash tui-tomep at A. Bels ueyerV, 12-1 Fay-etteville street, Raleigh.

Orders for Picture Frames, Brack, Art Nc 'allies. Artist Materials, indow-Bhadee, WU Paper, Poles, have prompt attention. ITIIED. A. WATSpN, in as at i i to i it 1 I Absolutely Pure.

this powder never vanes. A marvel purity, strength and wholescmeneas. 15 ire ecouoKticalhan ordinary kinds and competition twith the Tultitude of law test, short weight, ilum or phoephate powders, sold only In ns. RiYA-lj Baking Powdkb 100 A all Strotew York. aold by W.

C. A B. Stronac.h, and Ferrari Co. 1 SmViRD FASMCH, JEWEIIB i OPTIC RALEIGH, N. C.

Keeping pace with the growth and prosperity of the city of Stock of Watches, Jewelry, Optical Goods, is probably now the largest in the State. 0 3Y ADDITION Tr or usual line of goods, we will have on exhibition at our Store, commencing Wednesday the 19th, 100 Solid Gold Watches, amond Rings from 1-16 to li karat, I all gems of great beauty. styles and designs of Solid Gold Bracelets. OF ASUTA CI1USTMAS 1887 We have teceied and are now eihib-itipg the rnjst select stock of Christmas Goods Eve brought to the city. gajnes, ten pins, I books, rattlers wagoifSj pistols, carriges, jewelr3r, chairs, safesj vasesf; tool-chests, 1.

i 'jodks, toilet arti- arks, autoj grapli albums, tea sets, 'I china And an endless vari- Hy of too niunerous to inentioii (ill -earlv and makef vour seieeiions. 1 A UN HEADQUARTERS not wake till wheu he that duriu-r the nighl some ouu had unhitched Ins mule ana -witn him departed to parts unknown Tho iuai; is now minus a mule. A iiuuibor of hunters are here from noithera cities and are finding oxcel- lent sport hunting birds, with which the burrounding country teems. Ti.e Pomona Ten a Cotta Co. preparing to add more machinery and to buil.l additioi ury kuus auu shed rooms: at their works three miles west of the city.

Preparations for the usual programme of Christmas entertainments, concerts, cantatas, etc, are in full blast, and from a 1 indications a brilliant season of festivities is in stoie for tho holidays. Greensboro has aj Stato repuiation for its musical talent i and always gets.up a first class enter- tainment when she makes the effort, Mrs. Laura A. of New Garden, and for a year pjmc a mis- sionary in Mexi'jo, has returned home, on a visit and last night "treated a Greensboro audience to a moat enter- taining lecture on Mexican customs, modes of living, etc. exhib- iting Mexican cot-tumes aid numer-I OU8 other curiosities which she had collected iu thai country.

Mrs. Win- ston is a thoroughly intelligent and cultivated lady, and the lecture was much enjoyed by all who heard it- Newin.i otwerver. The last legislature passed an act allowing the people to vote at the of our Supreme Court j.vL;t to five or. not, and also at the tame time to vote for men to fill this important po- sition. I think the number ought to be increased and that it will not be amiss now, while the peopltj will have more leisure during the winjer to discuss the subj'eat, to call their special attention to it, as to who will be most I therefore suggest the name, of Spier Whitaker, of WVlp.

ns fiio in nverv vv ciuaiined for the fOiitrou, who though a young man, as were some who were elected to the Superior Court and have given general satisfaction, is of fine legal ability and has been eminently successful at tho bar as a practitioner. I hope Mr. Whitaker's name will be presented at the democratic convention and that he will be nominated, as I think that our choice could not fall upon one more worthy. N. The Durham WnviiijgJt Bmik, Iinrhaml'laiif' Mr.

J. F. Slaughter, of Lynchburg came to Durham last Friday, to learn the result cf tho meeting of the stockholders of the Fidelity Savings Bank and Trust Compmy. The meeting was called for the purpose of considering a proposition to increase the capital stock, and to allow Mr. Slaughter to Eubscribe half of the stock.

Many of the business men of the town favored the proposition. for it promised gcod to Durham. 13y the ananee'ment, Mr. Slaughter who is khown to be apitalitt and financier, thought he would be able to supply all tho money Durham might need for the prosecution of various enterprises. -4 i resolution increasing the capital btock Mr.

Lucius 'Green introduced a of the bank to 60,000, aud allowing Mr. Slaughter to subscribe provided f-aid subscription was made within ten days. Mr. J. 8 Carr opposed thei resolution.

He said that the additibn of the loan and discount feature to lhe bank would- destroy it as a savings bank, and that he thought a savings bank that takes cure of and encourages the savings of tho laborers aud wnge workers would be of more solid and substantial hem fit to the town, morally and socially, as well as financially, than another Joan an A d-eount bank. The vote was taken and sharesl voted for the resolution and 323 voted against it. A majority of all the stock failing to vote in the affirm-' ative the resolution was lost. The savings bank will remain a tav4 ings bank. Secretary Christian saysj ho is readv to begin business as soonj as the directors instruct him to do so.

l'ii for lilet trie Lis In. Recent experiments at Newp*rn with the incandescent lights givei pronuise of a new use for electricity in torpedo warfare, liv means oi loo power lamps submerged aout '20 feeii at the ends of poles it is possible tcj discover the nature of the surround hies within a ladius of 150 feet, thus! enabling a boat to cointerinjffB the enemy by cutting their cables. IVf-nrlt Prrnnrntlulttt for the- Possible Raws, Nov. 30. Tho commanders; of the diflerent araiv' corps have re ceived Btalod iusti uctions which they; are to ojeu in the event of an out break following the election of a nov 1'iesideiit.

Death of Juile Fraud T. Audernon. RiciiMosn, Nov. 30 A teles-j gram was received hero" today fronji Lexintrton, Va announcing the deatl at thai of Francis Ti Andersen, in the eightieth year of hip I New Yohk, Nov. 30 Joan Mos the convicted anarchist, says his case is similar to that of Jacob hharp its legal aspect and will also be takeh to higher courts.

i I I MWaa it t.h0 intent of this society to enter into contract with the wife of Niemeyery or was it the intent of the i Bocietv to enter -into an undertakint' i or agreement with its Most greemetat clearly the latter. No relations existed between the wife and the socio-: ty, but all that existed were between Niemeyer and the society. The cer tificate only recognizes Niemeyer as contractingparty. He signs under-' neath and (jays: "I accept this certificate under the conditions named." The society agrees not only that he may direct to whom the endowment shall be paid, but also that he may at bis pleasure change that direction. The only limitation to this power of appointment or direction as to whom the money is to be paid, is that he shall direct by his last' will and testament or by endowment certificate.

The fact that power is given a mem ber by 'constitution of the society lio change the beneficiary at his pleas- ore, and that he may, by his last will 1 and testament, as his ultimate wish, i designate or direct who shall receive the endowment fund, sufficiently in- dicates to my niind the that the. direction in a will shall prevail over any previous direction or appoint-! ment in thjj certificate or otherwise, The decree will go in favor of the de-1 yisees in the will." Traftelj(mr Square Riot Echofi. Nov 29. Mr. Graham, 1 H.

P. forjthe northwest division Lanarkshire, and Mr. Burnr-, the so-: cialiet leader, who were arrested during the rids neaj; Trafalgar Square Sunday, the.l3th inst, were arraigned again today and were committed for trial. The. magistrate said the action of Gen.

Sir Charles AY arren, commis- i- -ri'v ii i ttt iBioner Of tfce Metropolitan police, in proclaiming meetings in Trafalgar Square was justified at common jaw. The j-ight of the Crown to pro- ihibit Buch? meetings was fully pro-' tracted by" statute. The defendants were Admitted to bail. Their trial was fixed for the next session of iho icriminai court. The Flint GUu Pittsbubo, Nov.

30. The national association of Hint glass manufactiii ers, whicH has been in session here if or two days, adjourned this after-iternoon after adopting a new scale of wages- The scale ill be presented to the workmen January 2d, and if Inot accepted the factories through-iout the country will close down. The manufacturers claim that the basis of itbe scale Will be the same as the one in operation, the past year. The env "ployees say they will not sign unless their association is recognized. There are about 3)000 flint glass workers in the country.

Fire In Alkru. Charletoj, S. Nov. Fire broko ou.tjin Aiken, S. at 1 o'clock this morning and destroyed nine including the office of a dentist and insurance agent and a number of stores with stocks of groceries, millinery and general merchandise.

Lobs about insurance $27,450. The fire is believed to have been of incendiary origin. A Appeal Urantcd. N. Nov.

W. An appeal to the Supremo Court of the State Las be-en granted in the case of' Stephen Freeman, the negro who was recently found guilty of committing an assault on Mib. Sellars (white), and was sentenced to be hanged De ctmber 25id, Koral(n. Deblin, Nov. 30.

A news vender at Killarney has been sentenced to, a month's imprisonment for selling copies of the I 'n itnl Ireland containing reports of meetings cf the suppresed branches of the national league. i i I i i SON 14 East Martin St. Raleigh, N. 0. e.r 1,.

The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.