The Gaffney Ledger from Gaffney, South Carolina (2024)

5 face to torney COLUMBIA, guilty a prison who plead 10-The law Gaffney Ledger, Monday, January 7, 1985 cocaine distribution S.C. (AP) Five people, including a Columbia athas agreed to never practice again, have pleaded to guilty distributing cocaine and sentences of up to 15 years, federal prosecutor said. Joseph Henry Belser Jr. and four others were arrested last fall after an FBI undercover operation, U.S. Attorney Henry D.

McMaster said. "We feel these guilty pleas were a result of a very strong case we built against these drug dealers, McMaster said. The cases were not investigated by the Operation Jackpot drug smuggling task force, but McMaster said the information gained from them will be used by the task force as it turns its attention to cocaine trafficking in South Carolina this year. Belser, 39, pleaded guilty guilty late Friday before Judge William W. Wilkins Jr.

to distribution of 13.9 grams of cocaine, McMaster said. He confessed to selling the cocaine on Oct.9, 1984 in. the Columbia area, the federal prosecutor said. Donnie Ray Floyd, 30, of Columbia also pleaded guilty Friday to distribution of cocaine, McMaster said. The maximum penalty for both Belser and Floyd is 15 years in jail and a fine of $25,000 and a special parole term ranging from three years to life, McMaster said.

Belser, who is free on $10,000 bond, submitted his resignation to state Supreme Court on Nov. 28 and agreed to never reapply for admission to the bar, McMaster said. Floyd, who admitted to distributing about 20 grams of cocaine on Aug. 10, is free on $30,000 bond. In Greenville Thursday, three men pleaded guilty to distribution of 2.2 pounds of cocaine.

Ronnie Paul McRory, 33, of Washington, Thomas Jerry McRory, 42, of Odessa, and Wilbur Edgar Touchston, 38, of Brookesville, pleaded guilty to distributing cocaine, McMaster said. Morehead New pastor installed The Rev. Robert Barry Morehead was installed as pastor of Kirby Memorial Baptist Church on Dec. 30 in a service conducted by the Rev. C.A.

Kirby interim pastor. Rev. Morehead comes to Gaffney from Spring Hill Baptist Church, Cottageville. He is a graduate of Norway High School in Norway, North Greenville College in Tigerville, and Limestone College in Gaffney. He and his wife, the former Belle Towers, have three sons, Travis William, Marshall Scott and Robert Brooks.

THE MIKOTA Clinic of Chiropractic 111 W. Rutledge Ave. Specializing in neck and back disorders 803-489-2444 THE BEST POPCORN IN TOWN POPPED BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES HUB BEVERLY HILLS COP CITY HEAT Eddie Murphy Show Time: 7:30 ACRES OF LIGHTED THEATRE FRONT PARKING Skyvue Do all learn 2 XXX Features 704-487-5351 Shelby City of Beaufort bans billboards. BEAUFORT, S.C. (AP) Officials in cities and counties across South Carolina will be watching closely as Beaufort County begins to.

implement its ban on billboards, Charleston County Planning Director David Frank says. Sign companies and businesses that depend on billboards for advertising are expected to challenge the ban, but Beaufort County officials are confident the ordinance will prevail. The city of Charleston is considering an ordinance that would eliminate portable signs and restrict billboards to industrial districts, Frank said. After a majority of Beaufort County residents said in a November advisory referendum that they didn't want the billboards, the county council passed the billboard ban. "It's a bold step," said county administrator Michael G.

O'Neill. "'The intent is for them all to come down." Officials there are more than billboards in estimation Beaufort County. The person assigned to enforce the ordinance will start contacting businesses within a few weeks, said Charles R. Gatch, executive director of the county's joint planning commission and an author of the ordinance. "If we don't do something now there will be thousands of them," Gatch said.

"It's a matter of rights. These billboards are a blight on our rural areas. The sign companies have capitalized on a public investment our highways." The ordinance calls for billboards to be removed within the next few years, depending on when they were erected. The county has defined the life of a billboard as seven years. Signs that were recently erected could stand for the remainder of their useful life, or the county is prepared to compensate companies for removal and relocation of the billboards.

SOUTH AMERICAN DILEMMA tragedy in a dramatic hour-long at 5 p.m. on WBTV, Channel 3. A expedition report, "Snowstorm in the discovers the Amazon's cocaine Jungle," to be seen Sunday, Jan. 13 Debate continues: Sentencing guidelines near completion After months of deliberations, judicial guidelines for making sentencing in South Carolina's circuit courts more uniform are expected to go to the Legislature in the session that opens Tuesday. But the final details of the package remain to be worked out as debate continues among the 17-member Sentencing Guidelines Commission established in 1983.

The panel has all but completed work on a classification bill which categorizes crimes and outlines maximum penalties. Commission Executive Director Andy Surles says the stumbling block is in coming up with an accompanying sentencing grid which would recommend sentences based upon the offense and the defendant's previous criminal record. The question is how heavily prison capacity should be weighed in the grid to determine sentences. "It's a very emotional issue," said Surles. "There are differences of opinion.

There are some groups who say we should not even consider prison capacity." But Corrections Department spokesman Sam McCuen says no sentencing scheme can be developed without considering the impact on already overcrowded prisons. "It's going to have to be considered. The federal courts are not going to allow more people to be packed into prisons without us supporting them. If what the Legislature does means more prisoners, they're going to have to build more prisons," he said. McCuen agrees sentencing guidelines are needed because "there's so much sentencing disparity in South Carolina, the only people who know exactly how long an inmate serves is the While the commission will apparently give some weight to prison capacity in settling on a final sentencing grid, the North Charleston- based Citizens Against Crime, or CAVE, says the issue shouldn't be considered.

The group's founder, Jim Grego, says the sentences would. be tougher if the commission simply lets the penalty fit the crime. And he suggests the commission's top interest is simply in keeping the prison population stable. "They're not concerned with the people on the street," Grego says, adding residents are willing to spend more dollars to build more prisons. Grego said commission members are "misguided and they're not looking out to the people and seeing what's going on in the state.

The people are tired and they're frustrated and they're Surles says the guidelines will change sentences "rather significantly," adding "the people who have committed violent crimes and have longer criminal histories will have longer sentences. Those convicted of property crimes will have more lienient sentences." But Grego disagrees the sentences will be much tougher because of what he says is the commission's goal not to impact the prison population. He notes a defendant convicted of rape and sentenced to 30 years now serves about six years. Under proposed guidelines, he said, the same SCHWARZENEGGER THE TERMINATOR 7 9 Showtimes: CAPRI THEATER 489-4691 1984 COUNTY TAX REMINDER NOTICE After January 14, 1985, a PENALTY will be added to all unpaid county Real Estate and Business Taxes. An additional EXECUTION COST will be added after March 14, 1985.

Catherine L. Gibson, Treasurer Older signs would be ordered removed within 45 days of notification by the county. "If a business does not take the sign down within the 45-day grace period, then we go to the magistrate and enforce a fine of $200 or 30 days in jail or we can take a chainsaw out there and cut it down if necessary," Gatch said. But Rodney R. Monroe, division manager for Peterson Outdoor Advertising in Orangeburg, said his company has 60 billboards in Beaufort County and plans to go to court unless the ordinance is modified.

defendant could be free in less than three. If approved by the Legislature, the new guidelines will take effect next January. They're not binding on the judges, but judges would have to put in writing their reasons for ignoring the guidelines, Surles said. Circuit Judge Ernest A. Finney of Sumter, a commission member, said taking into account the varying interests of judges, corrections and parole officials, prosecutors and lawmakers on the commission is "the crux of the He said while prison overcrowding isn't his top concern, others on the panel feel it's a top priority.

Finney said he doesn't consider the condition of the prisons when he passes sentence on a defendant. TV. MONDAY News 12 (21) Archie Bunker's Place 29 (2) Newshour (CBN) Hot Potato MOVIE: 'Tough Enough' MOVIE: 'Somewhere in Time' One Day at a Time Lucy Show 6:30 5 (7) CBS News 12 21) Too Close for Comfort 13 (13) ABC News (CC) (CBN) Rifleman Mazda SportsLook Jeffersons Carol Burnett 7:00 3 (3) CBS News 4) NBC News (7) Entertainment Tonight 8 (21) ABC Benson News (CC) (13) Tic Tac Dough 29 (2) Nightly Business Report Here Come the Brides SportsCenter Braingames Barney Miller Gomer Pyle 7:30 3 3 PM Magazine 4 Wheel of Fortune 6 (7) New Name That Tune 9 9) Entertainment Tonight (21) WKRP in Cincinnati (13) Bowling for Dollars 29 (2) Carolina Journal College Basketball Report (HBO) Fraggle Rock Benson Andy Griffith 8:00 3 (3) 6 (7) Scarecrow and Mrs. King 4 4 TV's Bloopers Practical Jokes 9 9) 13 (13) Hardcastle McCormick 12 (21) MOVIE: 'The Conversation' 29 (2) Wonderworks (CC) Cisco Kid (ESPN) College Basketball: Villanova at St. John's MOVIE: 'Oh, God! Book Il' Robin Hood: Enchantment MOVIE: 'Elvis: That's the Way It Is' Greatest American Hero NBA Basketball: Boston at at New York Knicks 9:00 00 (3) Kate Allie 4 MOVIE: Reason to Live' 99 13 (13) Thorn Birds Part II (CC) 29 (2) American Playhouse (CC) 700 Club MOVIE: 'The White Buffalo' Lifestyles the Rich and Famous 9:30 0 (3) 5 7 Newhart 10:00 3 (3) 6 (7) Cagney and Lacey 62 (21) Hawaii Five-0 EVENING 6:00 (3) 00 0000000 0 DENTURES COMPLETE SET OF DENTURES FROM $12900 PARTIAL DENTURES FROM $9000 CLASPS ADDITIONAL RELINES WHILE YOU WAIT Denture Related Extraction Insurance Claims Welcome PIEDMONT DENTAL CENTER, P.A.

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