Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)

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Bristol Herald Courieri

Bristol, Tennessee

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Saturday hnwy 76 1952 Sullivan armers Discuss '52 Goals Others i efratned from vui'mcnt it1l Church ellowship Hall to ing ou the grounds that they Quite moir evening al 7 45 oclk UJsrrenllllllard DRIVE IN THEATRE rONIGrfT ONLY be i Ko 2 You Con Now Purchase as LANCASTER wnnftnAVVMr ths the I hm CwcM Cht co*kh AoH BroocMtii YOUNGSTOWN the At amily Movie PETE MOORE'S I A Starts oday at 1 :00 A Hit No 1 teen tii HfMaX Stetfo No CAMEO rfCONLITi Report lue Cave In At Rural School OR OLD OR NEW HOMES NOW! AT BRISTOL'S LEADING THEATRES! Wythe County Jury Convicts Harmon Gate Open' 6:00 Show 6:45 GREAT INDIAN WARSI Treat Teeth Children With luoride luoridation Of Water Set or March 1 REE PARKING Phone South 33 ip nc HAfiOG SIX GUNS BLAZE A DANGER TRAIL TO TRAP TRAIN Adminion Until pm 25c It 50c After 5 pm 30c 60c 900 ilth St PROMPT REE DELIVERY CABINETS SINKS 10 Down 30 Month! Pay LOUIS STERCHI URNITURE STORE Corner of 6ih and Anderson Bristol Pork in Our REE PARKING LOT TODAY OPEN 10:45 Bristol Abingdon Highway Now Showing I II HOLLYWOOD'S TOP ACTION STAR ST JOsiph" ASPIRIN OR CHHOREJN on or before' the last day of the inht month the succeeding tax able year The alternative thi is to filo an estimate within 15 iUiss and a return two and a half nii nths after the end of the busi ness year Estep Back rom Service In Korea Special To The Hnld Courier ELIZABETHTON Tenn Jan 25 Carter County will have its former superintendent of schools back on duty within a few days Mack Estep who has been serv ing as an infantry captain in Ko rea for over a year has returned here to resume his duties in the school post Stanley Myers filled his vacancy while he was in service Special To The Herald Courier JOHNSON CITY Tenn Jan 25 Students at Leesburg Ele mentary School neat Jonesboro barely escaped injury yesterday for 40 minutes after school had been dismissed the flue caved in Several hundred pounds of brick and other materials fell through the ceiling and showered the seats in the rural school building Tennessee Bristol should have fluoridated water supply by March 1 Water Plant Supervisor Grey said yesterday after return ing from a luoridation orum Asheville Speakers at the forum were A Black chemistry head nt the University of lorida who has spent 40 years studying the effects ALSO CARTOON TWO SHOWS EVERY NIGHT Gates Open 6:30 irst Show Starts 7:00 jury No bond was set After the hearing the pair was returned to Shelby County jail in Memphis Settles for safekepping officers said and Richardson be cause he already was under a mur der charge there Rogers Kennon an agent of the Tennessee Bureau of Criminal In vestigation said hq and Agent Robert Ezzell Jr recovered the second of the axes used in the Morrisson slaying He said it was where Settles told of hiding it be hind his house near the Shelby ayette County line and under a clump of weeds and trash The first axe was found in Morrison's house Richardson also faces a murder charge in the torture slaying of a well to do Shelby County Negro He was arrested at his home at Caruthersville Mo Monday The question of whether ayette or Shelbv County will take him first will" be decided later by At torney Generals John Ilciskell of Memphis and George Watkins of Ripley At first it was believed Morris son died of natural causes but fu neral home attendants found he had been struck an axe on the head and body Sheriff Buck Graham requested 1 i aj i ic4tiArt frnm 1 in U1U HIV vstvifcav'' 1 state agents if fl Grey said he learned at the forum fluoridation dosage would have to be 1000 times that pro posed for the city water supply or two tons dally before it would have a harmful effect on the hu man body Maxium feeding force of the local supply is about 100 pounds daily he added Bull reported 48 per cent of children under six years old in Cheyboygan Wis where fluori dation has been practiced five years have no dental cavities whatsoever luoridation has cut the cavity rate In children 54 per cent he said Black said fluoride has no ef fect on the taste odor or color of a water supply The only ef fect he has been able to deter mine in regard to the human be ing is on the teeth Places with natural fluoridation 26 times that proposed for Ten nessee Bristol have recorded no ill effects except mottled teeth he said luoridation is being set up in 50 communities and several places in lorida Grey learned at the forum Costs of fluoridation is 10 cents per person annually Grey said Lifetime cost is about $7 per per son wnn dental cavities cut much as two thirds POLIO Lincoln (Inky) reels left and Barry Coul ter right members of Boy Scout Troop No 11 Hackler Wood Post American Legion of Bristol Tenn are distributing coin boxes in connection with the current March of Dimes cam paign Hackler Wood Post is sponsoring the drive in the city The scouts are headed by Pat Meany chairman of the Posts Child Welfare Committee At Central Church Sunday Central Presbyterian Church is planning a Cal! in 1 ire And Smoke Damage Local Grill A thick pall of oil smoke dam aged the interior of the Morroco Grill at the corner of Spencer and Buchanan Streets yesterday after noon after an oil stove caught fire Bristol Va firemen answered the call and fought the blaze for an hour ire Chief Hugh Worley said that most of the damage was cre ated by the smoke although fire gutted upholstery in some of booths Hit No "ederal Agent At Large" Dorothy PATRICK Robrt ROCKWELL DANE CLARK Ben Johnson Peter Graves WYTHEVILLE Va Jan 25 Wythe County Circuit Court jury today convicted Har mon of first degree murder in the barber shop slaying of Guy Martin and recommended that he bo sentenced to a 20 year term in the state penitentiary The jury deliberated from 11:30 a until 4 before deliver ing the guilty verdict to Judge John Draper The judge then sentenced Harmon a former Ohio resident to the 20 year prison term Harmon pleaded self defense in the fatal shooting which occurred in a barber shop here last sum mer Witnesses testified that Martin offered to put up a bet for the barber to hold while he and Har mon settled an argument in a fight Witnesses said Harmon re fused to fight and shot Martin in stead Chicken Theft Hearing Today Three Sullivan countv voi will be given a preliminary near ing before Sessions Judge Brack Sams here today on cnarges of chicken theft according 10 bnenff Sam Hurd 1 The three were arrested vcsier i day at a Hickory Tree i (t 10 where they were attempting to Is? sell 11 chickens which they aiieg cdly stole from Mrs Roscoe XVn i lis of the Weaver Pike Sheriff: Hurd reported Arrested and taken to Blnu ville jail by Deputy Sheri fl Cu Barr they are scheduled to near before Judge Sams when holds court this morning in the Bristol Tenn courthouse County armers To Burley Meet Approximately ten Sullivan County tobacco growers will at tend a meeting today at the court house in Jonesboro Tenn accord ing to Copenhaver presi dent of the Sullivan County arm Bureau The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss the Tennessee Burley Growers Association and their dif ferences with tobacco warehouses Repicsenfativcs of the Tcnncs I see Burley Growers Association will be present to explain policies of their association and' tobacco growers will be asked to express! what policies they believe should be followed in the future You Can Buy The Best OR LESS JODY GILBERT Kit DON I RANCE ROLAND MOORE er MH ui tr ((limit THRIT SUPPLY (0 oh is armers' Tax 3SS Deadline Near Kefauver's Announcement Brings Varied Comment SILVER CITY BONANZA 4 WvtV4 irn NOTICE! Wi vvitl be opn riday S4tU'diy und Sunmi during January ib i nary And March Better Cough Relief When new drugs or old fail to stop your cough or chest cold don delay Creomidsion contains only safe help ful proven ingredients and no nar codes to disturb process It goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal raw ten der inflamed bronchial membrane Guaranteed to please you or druggist I refunds money Creomulsion has stood I the test of many millions of users iCREOMUCSION 1 A (Anything In Electrical Appliances) EASY TERMS 1106 State Phone 2439 CHANCETO MEET RIM HRSON! On Scrsert WILD BILL ELLIOTT Western Bible Institute Exams In Progress I inal exams which mark the end of the first semester arc nowin progress at the Dan Graham Bible Institute The second semester will begin on riday ebruary 1 with an en i rollment of about 60 students an' increase of 20 over the first sc mestcr 1 Classes will be held on Tuesday and riday evenings with courses in Bible Survey Missions Person 1 al Evangelism and Music i Applications are still being tak en for enrollment in the second semester The institute is located on ifth Street an 8 10 GLOSSY PRINT of a tfaff mada picture that has appeared in this newspaper Call or Write BRISTOL NEWSPAPERS Photo Department At The COLUMBIA TAG tn Mt Premier Personal Appearance! Ji 07 Residential JOl Ufa Loans RAY WILLIAMS 1460 Dominion Bank Bldg BRISTOL VA Today and Saturday 4 Big Hitt No Bowery Boys "CRAZY OVER HORSES" No Eddie Dean "TORNADO RANGE" No 3 and 4 1st Chip New Serial Lot "PERIL DARKEST JUNGLE" Wash! ngton County Sheriff Newt Bordwine said yesterday he suspects thieves who broke in the Rock store near Rich Valley Va Monday night might try to sell their loot in Bristol She riff Bordwine requested Bristolians to be on the watch for I the following merchandise and re port any appearance of it to Vir ginia Bristol nolice: a bolt of cloth ten pairs of shoes a dozen pair of Pointer Brand overalls two pairs of four buckle arcties six pairs of four buckle arctics and six boxes of candy amily Day Joel McCREA Shelly WINTERS in "RENCHIE" Plus 3 COLOR CARTOONS VWIIH'VI the PMA lcldman included Nineteen hundred fifty one 1 planted acreage and 1952 acreage I goal: I95lplanlcd acreage 812000 1952 acreage goal 820000 soybeans 1951 planted acreage 183000 1952 acreage goal 200000 1951 planted acreage 2065 000 1952 acreage goal 2200000 I 1951 planted acreage 302 000 1952 acreage goal 325000 1 rye 1951 harvested acreage 15000 1952 acreage goal 15000 1951 planted acreage 6000 1952 acreage goal 100000: Wheat 1951 planted acreage 213000 1952 acreage goal 285000 iced 1951 planted acre age 33000 1952 acreage goal 35000 1951 planted ton acre age 1602000 1952 ton acreage goal 1625000 Irish potatoes 1951 planted acreage 19000 1952 acreage goal 20300 Sweet pota 1951 planted acreage 11000 1952 acreage goal 18000 resh 1951 planted acreage 5700 1952 acreage goal 13100 Produce 1951 planted acreage 13100 1952 acreage goal 2800 hNineteen hundred iitty one I ushel pl eduction and 1952 bushel production goal: 1951 bale production 540000 1952 bale pro duction goal 589000 1951 production 3202000 1952 production goal 3840000 corn 1951 production 60360000 1952 production goal 70000000 1951 production 4732000 1952 production goal 6208000 rye 1951 production 150000 1952 pro duction goal 154000 1951 production 980000 1952 production goal 1310000 Wheat 1951 production 3022 000 1952 production goal 3136 000 hay 1951 bale production 1685000 1952 bale production goal 2133000 Irish potatoes 1951 production 1500000 1952 AREN ue iai4AM AumaV fl Senator Estes Kelauver's snimuncement that hr will seek the Democratic nomination fnr ptesKh nt drew wide variety of comment from a considerable number of Bristolian who weir asked to com ment In a newnpaper poll here ye rtlterdny Virtually everyone ipprwncu ex pi rase me pmion uii in 1 cnattan'ioua is vejy cauaoie iuuiiv A number of individuals qualified the comment by saying The largest 4 telescope 200 inches in diameter at Palomar uses one of the smallest photo square in making pictures at the graphic plates one halt inch prime focus Goodbye Heartbum Hello TUMS! Quick relief (or sour stomach gas qd indigestion Still only 10c ffhl OR THE TUMMY Three automobiles were in volved in a wreck which occurred yesterday on State Street with to tal damage amounting to about $220 The cars were driven by Julius Young Jr of Winston Salem Jake Morris and Carl Anderson of Bristol Pa trolmen Venable and Myers in vestigated The Appalachian District Chris tian Endeavor will hold its regu lar monthly meeting January 28 at 7:30 pm at the irst Christian Church in Johnson City spokes men said The Watauga Brick Church is in charge of the program and all area churches are invited Sperry officials Earl McCor mac Ernie Mandell and Bert Mandell expressed approval Thursday night after a visit to plant training courses underway at Washington County Technical School in Abingdon The three men wore guests of the local Vet erans of oreign Wars post at Rebels Retreat following the school tour and were commis sioned honorary Hillbilly Colonels 1 Approximately 60 Sullivan County agricultural leaden met yes terday al the Bristol Tenn Courthouse and discussed 1953 goas nd related programs will) farm authorities IliEhlightlng the meeting was a statisUcal analysis of proposed 1952 Crop Acreage and Production Goals by John Holloman Dis trict PMA ieldman for Upper East Tennessee Holloman gave a crop by crop statement this jeai goals in comparison with respective yields in 1951 The statistics 1 1 production goal 1800000 Sweet 1951 production 990000 1952 production Real 2020000 sort on the outlook for agriculture economic situation by Gene Gam bill County Agent and Extension Specialist from the University of Tennessee Gambill noted that the accelerated re armament program plus an already active civilian pro duction program is the most im portant factor in the agricultural outlook for this year demanding increased farm production Others taking part in the dis cussions were McClain Sul livan County Agent and rank Ycargan PMA representative Children at Holston Institute School were a step nearer guodlof fluoridation and Bull of teeth yesterday morning alter the Wisconsin Health Department ix I a 1 a A Ari I Thieves May Try To Sell Loot Here DYNAMITE BBS BHCT aad th IOLLYW0OD SHOW I fl l' first in a four treatment fluoride series was administered by county and state dentists More than 125 children in the first fourth and seventh grades had their teeth cleaned nnd treat ed by Sullivan County health de partment dentist Dr rancis and Tennessee Dental Consultant Dr Gunter The treatments will be given each week until the chil dren have received four The three grades were chosen for the treatments since dental re ports have shoJn children in the age groups of six 10 and 13 are those who receive the greatest benefit from fluoride a Parent I Teacher Association spokesman 'said I The spokesman continued the fluoride treatment are the result I of a concentrated effort by the PTA since special emphasis on fluoridation of water supply 1 gan last year LEGIONS THRILLS 1 with the oreipn Legion! Annual Meet Of Livestock Group Planned Annual stockholders meeting of the Tri Sttc Purebred Livestock Association will be held at Hotel BristN at 12 noon Satur day eh 2 Love Rouse of Bristol dent of the organization said that election of officers for 1952 and annual reports will be the main order of business The Trl State Purebred Live stock Association has about 150 stockholders in Southwest Vir tttnti IVtttAR Nnrfh and The meeting also featured re East Tennessee ort the outlook for agriculture qpwo Hereford sties are held an il 1952 in relation to the general nually with the first scheduled fnr March 28 at the Til State Sales Pavilion on Route 11 east of Rris tol The second sale Is held in the fall No I Jimmy Wakley in "ROARING WESTWARD! with "Cannonball" Taylor 2 "TRAIL THE YUKON" Kirby Grant and Wonder Dbg Plus Serial Three Vehicles Crash At Abingdon Special To Th Herald Courier ABINGDON Va Jan 25 Three motor vehicles were involv cd in a collision on Route 11 five miles east of here this morning but no one was seriously injured State Trooper Dixon said that a trailer truck driven by Wil liam McKinney of 316 Shelby Street Bristol Tenn struck the rear of a truck which in turn crashed into the rear of an auto mobile The truck and automobile had slowed down behind a horse and wagon Mrs Gracic Irene Marshall of Saltville Va driver of the car was badly shaken up and Wade A Weaver of Troutdale Va driver of the truck was bruised but otherwise neither was in jured Sentenced To Jail or Manslaughter stxcid Th Herald Courier JOHNSON CITY Tenn Jan 25 Jack Smith of Jonesboro was sentenced to 15 days in the county jail vesterday on an involuntary manslaughter charge in connection with the traffic death of Mr Mar hi inntf of lohnson (SitVe Smith was charged with driving the car which struck Mrs Long there last October William Cherry of Johnson City a Negro went on trial today for the murder of Nathaniel James: another Negro heic in December Cherrv testified that he killed James in over mar ital troubles Night Of un A "Night of will be spon sored by YoUTi'g People of Ander son Street Methodist Church this evening Talent will be displayed by all ages for the enjoyment oi everyone Special musical numbers com edv magical fetes and a "commu nity sing" will be among the at tractions The church is inviting everyone to conic A fully grown flounder has two! eyes on one side of hu head and' none on the other APPROVED rf I iXOM Ji 10000 i DOCTORS tcX I Starts SUNDAY I 2 I ftfmll NAMM REYNOLDS i xl I (wm( MTWMOlCKnitMMtl HCTUttS Two Negroes Plead Guilty To Axe Slaying Of armer SOMERVILLE Tenn Jan 25 Two Negroes pleaded guilty to a murder charge yesterday in the axe slaying of Irvin Bailey Mor risson 69 year old retired white farmer of ayette County Morrisson was found dead in bod Jan at his(httlc frame nomc at the Hickory Withe community Johnie Loe Settles' 31 father of five children and Gruver Richardson 23 vcar old ex convict entered the pleas at their arraign ment before Magistrate co*cke They were held to the grand The Church Roll will be culled by families and a pictorial review of the church its activities and its needs Will be presented Sttcn nous efforts are being made to have an adult representative from everv family in the church on hand for the occasion The rally tvill the ntarft ft the Avrmr worship service The pastor Rev Bon Rose has all the members to rally to the support of the church in its present effort to enlarge its facili ties A campaign to raise S90000 for an educational building will Jbegin next Tuesday him ts on January I must tile their ederal income tax return by January 31 McClain Sulli van County farm Agent minded yesterday Some fanner? chouse au a nf tuvino thei? taxes nnd file an estimate and Tennessee senator Lf1n a ririlHMl A 1 it IT Those who elect to follow the earlier filing must file a regular mvom I return and pay any balance dtio send hv March 15 meat however has oecn quite ex 'tensive for ho served (ivo Lerma' nmeis who do not tail their House of Representative I business year on January 1 JW bf bl(n e)eet((1 tn the Senale' hie their returns and pay the tax A number oi people contacted said that they were reluctant to make a statement on a controvei sial political matter because of or i jMm frankly hadr given the matter thought" Whit Moore of Bristol Tenn a business man said think Ke fauver is a good man but I haven't yet decided whether ready for the presidency or not But the Democratic party certainly needs a new lease on Wilfred Gillenwater local thea tre manacer and Bristol 3 man of the year" highly favors Kefauver for the of fice as lus statement indicates: is one of the lew out standing statesmen from Tennes see in our time and with the ex ecution of Cordell Hull this Is the best opportunity we've had to elect a Tennessean to the presidency" Herschel Grubb a local of fice worker said that he considers Kefauver the best qualified tor President of all those who have announced for the nomination in pH0T0GRAPHER miOMl 2719 Bill Henry newsstand operator was of the opinion that "Kefauver can't get the nomination if Tru nhan decides to Tom Smith of Bristol Va said that "I believe that he would be an excellent candidate for Pres ident honest and reliable and has a wide political following among both parties in the North ern states I with RKHARD MARTIN JOAN DIXON Tracav Roberts Late Show Tonite 11:30 PM SATURDAY ONLY Your fg SHOW TIMES IP 3:15 4:40 7:00 9:15 MR i I fl a iIIbbIs llii I IWBa b'kl MSaSi'iR lo I'fcMBWjgOa i Roll i'aiJnSr i ip KI i'4 If 1 1 1 1 I i tn I lECHNlCOLdRl fr ESar I I Bn I I 3 ni II III11 4 I ii iY fl 1 1 i I 1 I I 's 'j BMlik COMEDY a 'or' VY v' 'V A I 'Sz 'ft £1 vrr BOW'S 'H i ITURE SWtPT fgi SEV I 6KW I I 1 99 jmI Ifa al I WMBbiHiHi1! i's 71 TTTdiS Nd 1 fl I ll LLJ ari SSL a Pt Ja Ki I I rjl MB 1 'isgaBagsm BLaag 4 CAMEO 3 a.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.