Had I written right? Do I have mistakes? Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 I'm going to tell you about a book, that I have read. Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by American famous writer Ray Bradbury, first published in 1953. There is not set a city or a to (2024)


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Had I written right? Do I have mistakes? Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 I'm going to tell you about a book, that I have read. Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by American famous writer Ray Bradbury, first published in 1953. There is not set a city or a town of novel's events, but it's a version of a possible future of the USA. The story is told from the third person point. The central conflict of the dystopian is between consumer society which get encouraging of a government and people who see self-education as the target of the life. Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature of burning paper. The novel was partially inspired by the burning of books in Nazi Germany. The protagonist of the book is Guy Montag works as «fireman». But there is nothing common between a fireman of our world and a «fireman» of novel’s world. His job is to burn books and the buildings they are found in. There is a symbolism of main character’s name and surname. Because Guy has a meaning "a young man" in English and Montag can be translated as "Monday" from German. Once upon a time Guy met his new neighbor,17-old teenage girl named Clarisse McClellan, whose free-thinking ideals cause him to question his life. Montag understands that he wants to change his life. In the following days, Montag steals a book before the burning of the book-filled house of an old woman. Guy jarred by woman's suicide, she refused to leave her house, choosing instead to burn herself alive. He found out that Clarissa’s family left after Clarissa was hit by a speed car and died four days ago. Mildred Montag is Guy Montag's wife. All her life is a flat-panel TV, and she is indifferent to the society during all the novel. Montag is trying to figure out his thoughts. He asks his wife to help him with it, but Mildred does not understand him. Guy remembered an old man whom he met a year ago in a park. Faber is a former professor of English. When meeting with Montag, the old man jumped up and wanted to run away, but then Faber became more talkative. After Montag scares her friends away by reading, Mildred betrays Montag by reporting him to the firemen. Guy burns his own house, it begins an organized pursuit of him in police cars and police helicopters. Faber advises him to make his way to the countryside and contact the exiled book-lovers who live there. While learning the philosophy of the exiles, Montag and the group watch as bombers fly overhead and annihilate the city with nuclear weapons. The war has begun and ended in the same night. (2)

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25 Apr 2020

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  • English (US)

@bashnino1552 DELETE "I'm going to tell you about a book that I have read." - this is understood and already known. Not needed to clarify.ITALICIZE TITLE Fahrenheit 451INSERT"(1953)" is a dystopian novel by American DELETE"famous" writer INSERT"," Ray Bradbury DELETE", first published in 1953". DELETE"There is not set a city or a town of novel's events, but it's a version of a possible future of the USA." INSERT"The setting of the novel is a dystopian future of the USA." The story is told from the DELETE"third person point" INSERT"third-person point-of-view". The central conflict of the dystopian is between INSERT"the" consumer society DELETE" which get encouraging of a" INSERT"who are backed by the" government and people who see self-education as the DELETE"target" INSERT"way" of DELETE"the" life. INSERT"Also," ITALICIZE"Fahrenheit 451" is the temperature of burning paper. INSERT"This is important because" The novel was partially inspired by the burning of books in Nazi Germany. The protagonist of the book is Guy Montag INSERT"who" works as «fireman» [USE "" NOT <>]. But there DELETE "is nothing" INSERT "are few things" common between a fireman of our world and a «fireman» of INSERT"the" novel’s world. His job is to burn books and the buildings they are found in. There is a symbolism of INSERT"the" main character’s name and surname. COMBINE THE SENTENCE BEFORE WITH THIS ONE ->Because Guy has a meaning "a young man" in English and Montag can be translated as "Monday" from German. DELETE"Once upon a time" [This transition is used for narratives and story-telling, not essays] INSERT"In the novel," Guy met his new neighbor, DELETE"17-old" INSERT"a 17-year-old" DELETE"teenage girl"[this is understood because her age is given and her name is feminine] named Clarisse McClellan, whose free-thinking ideals cause him to question his life. Montag understands that he wants to change his life. In the following days, Montag steals a book before the burning of the book-filled house of an old woman. Guy INSERT "was" jarred by INSERT"the" woman's suicide, INSERT "as" she refused to leave her house, choosing instead to burn herself alive. INSERT "Then," He found out that Clarissa’s family left after Clarissa was hit by a speed car and died four days DELETE"ago" INSERT"before". Mildred Montag is Guy Montag's wife. All INSERT"of" her life is a flat-panel TV, and she is indifferent to the society during all INSERT"of" the novel. Montag is trying to figure out his thoughts. He asks his wife to help him with it, but Mildred does not understand him. Guy remembered an old man whom he met a year ago in a park. Faber is a former professor of English. When meeting with Montag, the old man jumped up and wanted to run away, but then Faber became more talkative. After Montag scares her friends away by reading, Mildred betrays Montag by reporting him to the firemen. Guy burns his own house, it begins an organized pursuit of him in police cars and police helicopters. Faber advises him to make his way to the countryside and contact the exiled book-lovers who live there. While learning the philosophy of the exiles, Montag and the group watch as bombers fly overhead and annihilate the city with nuclear weapons. The war has begun and ended in the same night.OVERALL:- check to make sure you use more articles properly (the, a, of, etc.)- I think it looks good, there are just a few grammar structure mistakes - look into transition words for essay writingGood luck!

DELETE "I'm going to tell you about a book that I have read."
- this is understood and already known. Not needed to clarify.

ITALICIZE TITLE Fahrenheit 451INSERT"(1953)" is a dystopian novel by American DELETE"famous" writer INSERT"," Ray Bradbury DELETE", first published in 1953". DELETE"There is not set a city or a town of novel's events, but it's a version of a possible future of the USA." INSERT"The setting of the novel is a dystopian future of the USA." The story is told from the DELETE"third person point" INSERT"third-person point-of-view". The central conflict of the dystopian is between INSERT"the" consumer society DELETE" which get encouraging of a" INSERT"who are backed by the" government and people who see self-education as the DELETE"target" INSERT"way" of DELETE"the" life. INSERT"Also," ITALICIZE"Fahrenheit 451" is the temperature of burning paper. INSERT"This is important because" The novel was partially inspired by the burning of books in Nazi Germany. The protagonist of the book is Guy Montag INSERT"who" works as «fireman» [USE "" NOT <>]. But there DELETE "is nothing" INSERT "are few things" common between a fireman of our world and a «fireman» of INSERT"the" novel’s world. His job is to burn books and the buildings they are found in. There is a symbolism of INSERT"the" main character’s name and surname. COMBINE THE SENTENCE BEFORE WITH THIS ONE ->Because Guy has a meaning "a young man" in English and Montag can be translated as "Monday" from German. DELETE"Once upon a time" [This transition is used for narratives and story-telling, not essays] INSERT"In the novel," Guy met his new neighbor, DELETE"17-old" INSERT"a 17-year-old" DELETE"teenage girl"[this is understood because her age is given and her name is feminine] named Clarisse McClellan, whose free-thinking ideals cause him to question his life. Montag understands that he wants to change his life. In the following days, Montag steals a book before the burning of the book-filled house of an old woman. Guy INSERT "was" jarred by INSERT"the" woman's suicide, INSERT "as" she refused to leave her house, choosing instead to burn herself alive. INSERT "Then," He found out that Clarissa’s family left after Clarissa was hit by a speed car and died four days DELETE"ago" INSERT"before". Mildred Montag is Guy Montag's wife. All INSERT"of" her life is a flat-panel TV, and she is indifferent to the society during all INSERT"of" the novel. Montag is trying to figure out his thoughts. He asks his wife to help him with it, but Mildred does not understand him. Guy remembered an old man whom he met a year ago in a park. Faber is a former professor of English. When meeting with Montag, the old man jumped up and wanted to run away, but then Faber became more talkative. After Montag scares her friends away by reading, Mildred betrays Montag by reporting him to the firemen. Guy burns his own house, it begins an organized pursuit of him in police cars and police helicopters. Faber advises him to make his way to the countryside and contact the exiled book-lovers who live there. While learning the philosophy of the exiles, Montag and the group watch as bombers fly overhead and annihilate the city with nuclear weapons. The war has begun and ended in the same night.

- check to make sure you use more articles properly (the, a, of, etc.)
- I think it looks good, there are just a few grammar structure mistakes
- look into transition words for essay writing

Good luck!

Had I written right? Do I have mistakes? Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 I'm going to tell you about a book, that I have read. Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by American famous writer Ray Bradbury, first published in 1953. There is not set a city or a town of novel's events, but it's a version of a possible future of the USA. The story is told from the third person point. The central conflict of the dystopian is between consumer society which get encouraging of a government and people who see self-education as the target of the life. Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature of burning paper. The novel was partially inspired by the burning of books in Nazi Germany. The protagonist of the book is Guy Montag works as «fireman». But there is nothing common between a fireman of our world and a «fireman» of novel’s world. His job is to burn books and the buildings they are found in. There is a symbolism of main character’s name and surname. Because Guy has a meaning "a young man" in English and Montag can be translated as "Monday" from German. Once upon a time Guy met his new neighbor,17-old teenage girl named Clarisse McClellan, whose free-thinking ideals cause him to question his life. Montag understands that he wants to change his life. In the following days, Montag steals a book before the burning of the book-filled house of an old woman. Guy jarred by woman's suicide, she refused to leave her house, choosing instead to burn herself alive. He found out that Clarissa’s family left after Clarissa was hit by a speed car and died four days ago. Mildred Montag is Guy Montag's wife. All her life is a flat-panel TV, and she is indifferent to the society during all the novel. Montag is trying to figure out his thoughts. He asks his wife to help him with it, but Mildred does not understand him. Guy remembered an old man whom he met a year ago in a park. Faber is a former professor of English. When meeting with Montag, the old man jumped up and wanted to run away, but then Faber became more talkative. After Montag scares her friends away by reading, Mildred betrays Montag by reporting him to the firemen. Guy burns his own house, it begins an organized pursuit of him in police cars and police helicopters. Faber advises him to make his way to the countryside and contact the exiled book-lovers who live there. While learning the philosophy of the exiles, Montag and the group watch as bombers fly overhead and annihilate the city with nuclear weapons. The war has begun and ended in the same night. (4)

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Had I written right? Do I have mistakes? Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 I'm going to tell you about a book, that I have read. Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by American famous writer Ray Bradbury, first published in 1953. There is not set a city or a town of novel's events, but it's a version of a possible future of the USA. The story is told from the third person point. The central conflict of the dystopian is between consumer society which get encouraging of a government and people who see self-education as the target of the life. Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature of burning paper. The novel was partially inspired by the burning of books in Nazi Germany. The protagonist of the book is Guy Montag works as «fireman». But there is nothing common between a fireman of our world and a «fireman» of novel’s world. His job is to burn books and the buildings they are found in. There is a symbolism of main character’s name and surname. Because Guy has a meaning "a young man" in English and Montag can be translated as "Monday" from German. Once upon a time Guy met his new neighbor,17-old teenage girl named Clarisse McClellan, whose free-thinking ideals cause him to question his life. Montag understands that he wants to change his life. In the following days, Montag steals a book before the burning of the book-filled house of an old woman. Guy jarred by woman's suicide, she refused to leave her house, choosing instead to burn herself alive. He found out that Clarissa’s family left after Clarissa was hit by a speed car and died four days ago. Mildred Montag is Guy Montag's wife. All her life is a flat-panel TV, and she is indifferent to the society during all the novel. Montag is trying to figure out his thoughts. He asks his wife to help him with it, but Mildred does not understand him. Guy remembered an old man whom he met a year ago in a park. Faber is a former professor of English. When meeting with Montag, the old man jumped up and wanted to run away, but then Faber became more talkative. After Montag scares her friends away by reading, Mildred betrays Montag by reporting him to the firemen. Guy burns his own house, it begins an organized pursuit of him in police cars and police helicopters. Faber advises him to make his way to the countryside and contact the exiled book-lovers who live there. While learning the philosophy of the exiles, Montag and the group watch as bombers fly overhead and annihilate the city with nuclear weapons. The war has begun and ended in the same night. (11)

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Had I written right? Do I have mistakes? Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 I'm going to tell you about a book, that I have read. Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel by American famous writer Ray Bradbury, first published in 1953. There is not set a city or a to (2024)
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Name: Greg O'Connell

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