111 Best Men in Black Quotes That Will Make You Smile - Verses | Quotes (2024)

The 1997 sci-fi comedy Men in Black is one of the best spy movies ever made, and many of its famous quotes deserve to be remembered long after the movie has ended.

For many fans of the 1997 movie Men in Black, it’s hard to imagine the film without Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones portraying Agent Jay and Agent Kay, respectively.

111 Best Men in Black Quotes That Will Make You Smile - Verses | Quotes (1)

After all, they embodied the characters so perfectly that it’s tough to imagine anyone else bringing them to life as well as they did.

Not only were Smith and Jones perfect fits for their roles, but they made some of the most memorable quotes in the film.

You might not be an agent, and you might not have any alien to deal with, but that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from the inspiring quotes featured in the Men in Black movie franchise.

These best Men in Black quotes will help remind you to stay positive, embrace your inner self, trust your gut instinct, and more.

You can always turn to these quotes when you need inspiration and motivation, or simply want a good laugh.

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111 Best Men in Black Quotes That Will Make You Smile - Verses | Quotes (2)

The Best MIB Quotes | Men in Black Quotes

Short Memorable MIB Quotes

Why do rats desert the ship? ―Kay

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Yeah. You got a hell of an infestation. ―Orkin Man

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I was fishing in Cuernavaca. ―Driver

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A person is smart. People are dumb. ―Kay

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Who the hell are you? ―Agent Janus

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We are the Men in Black. ―Zed

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With a bug in town? Watch the morgues. ―Kay

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God, we’re a gullible breed. ―Kay

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The hell happened? ―Zed

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This guy had a serious crush on his cat. ―Jay

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The Best Men in Black Quotes to Remember the Classic Movie

Human, I know. Oops. Got some entrails on you. ―Kay

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You don’t get it, hoss. This guy is different. Worse than anyone. He tried to blow up the Earth but I stopped him. ―Kay

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See what I mean about tequila? You’re a bright young man, James. Just lay off the sauce. I’ll see you tomorrow, nine a.m. sharp. ―Kay

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You don’t like it, you can kiss my furry little butt. ―Frank the Pug

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Dammit, man, you’re making me sweat up my gear! ―Edwards

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There’s been a great injustice in the Universe. I must make it right. ―Yaz

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Fine, but it’s the last one you’ll ever hear. ―Obadiah

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Wow, I didn’t think there was anything uglier than a catfish. ―Jay

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I think you jumped off the bus in the wrong part of town, amigo. In fact, I’ll bet dollars to pesos that you’re not from anywhere near here. ―Kay

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Okay, that’s enough. Hand me your head and put up your arms. ―Kay

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!Oye! Que pasa, coma estas? Hey! No se preocupe, abuela. Bienvenida a los Estados Unidos. ―Kay

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He mourns the past because he can not see the dead are still as alive as they ever were. Just not now. ―Lama

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We just don’t like the neighborhood anymore. Some of the — new arrivals. ―Redgick

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I mean it, fellas, you are lucky to be alive after a blast like that. ―Kay

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We’re not supposed to have it. I’ll tell you why. Human thought is so primitive it’s considered an infectious disease. Makes you proud, doesn’t it? ―Kay

Florida? I hate Florida. I hate everything South of Virginia. If that’s what you came to tell me, you’re wasting your time. ―Kay

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Do you know what alien life form leaves a green spectral trail? ―Kay

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You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers! ―Edgar

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You know how many treaty articles you’vejust violated? ―Dee

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Congratulations, you’re everything we’ve come to expect from years of government training. Now, if you’ll just follow me, we have one more test to administer, an eye exam. ―Zed

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Maybe you want to think twice next time you ditch me. ―Jay

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Men in Black Quotes that Will Make You Believe in Aliens

You are no longer part of “the system.” We’re above the system. Over it. Beyond it. ―Zed

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You know what an MiB agent calls it when he faces death? Besides I got you to watch my back, right? ―Kay

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Right, well, the cat is, uh — the cat’s a witness in a murder case and I’m going to need to take it with me. ―Jay

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This is all confiscated. All of it. I want you on the next transport off this rock. Or I’ll shoot you where it doesn’t grow back. ―Kay

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One of the few I actually liked. Exiled High Prince. ―Kay

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Well. Nick the Dick. What a surprise. Where you comin’ from? ―Agent Janus

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I go out, I work my butt off to make a living, all I want is to come home to a nice clean house with a nice fat steak on the table, but instead I get this — this — I don’t even know what you call this! ―Edgar

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Way I hear it, Jeebs, you into something a little hotter than some stolen Rolexes. ―Edwards

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Any given time, around fifteen hundred landed aliens are on the planet, the majority right here in Manhattan. Most aliens are decent enough, just trying to make a living. ―Kay

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The last suit you’ll ever wear. ―Zed

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Get your big butt back in that house! ―Edgar

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You know, ya’ll gotta learn how to talk to people. You could be a little kinder and gentler. ―Jay

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Well, thanks for the very amusing morning, but I’m hopin’ you’ll show me where I came in? ‘Cause this is where I go out. ―Edwards

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He’s coming! He’s coming because I failed, and now he’ll kill me too! ―Perp

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I’m talking to you, Bug! You know how many of your kind I’ve swatted with a newspaper? ―Kay

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I swear to God, I would not be surprised if it was, the way you skulk around here like a dog been hit too much — or ain’t been hit enough, I can’t make up my mind. ―Edgar

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Back in the mid-fifties, the government started a little underfunded agency with the simple and laughable purpose of making contact with a race not of this planet. ―Kay

Well, well, well. Movin’ right in, are we? Think we own the place? ―Orkin Man

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Your entire image is carefully crafted to leave no lasting memory whatsoever with anyone you encounter. ―Zed

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Jeff, I am so not in the mood for you! Get back in the subway! Right now! ―Jay

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You sold a carbonizer with implosion capacity to an unlicensed cephlapoid. ―Kay

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You’re a rumor, recognizable only as deja vu and dismissed just as quickly. You don’t exist; you were never even born. ―Zed

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The Best Men in Black Quotes to Live By/

Who’s she gonna tell, anyway? She only hangs out with dead people. ―Jay

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Yeah, it’s harder and harder to smoke anywhere these days. Hell, I suppose I should quit. I’ve tried. Never took, though. I’m beginning to think I lack self-control. ―Kay

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You are under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. ―Edwards

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You’re breakin’ my heart. Move six inches to your left and I’ll solve all your problems. ―Kay

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I’m part of a secret organization that monitors and polices alien activity on earth. ―Kay

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Anonymity is your name. Silence your native tongue. ―Zed

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You did not see a room full of shiny weapons. You did not see four alien nightcrawlers. You will cherish and love each other for the rest of your lives. ―Kay

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Everyone on these screens is an alien. In public — normal. In private — you’ll get the idea. ―Kay

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It makes perfect sense. When I was a third grader in Philadelphia, they told me I was crazy ’cause I swore that our teacher was from, like, Venus or something. ―Edwards

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You milk-suckers! You don’t matter! In a few seconds you won’t even be matter! ―Edgar

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Stop wasting time. He’s not getting off the planet in a cab. ―Kay

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This is called a “neuralyzer.” A gift from some friends from out of town. The red eye here isolates and measures the electronic impulses in your brain. More specifically, the ones for memory. ―Kay

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Why do you lie to me? I hate it when you lie. ―Kay

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Yeah, sure. He said the world was coming to an end. ―Edwards

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You erase what’s in here, you erase the whole world. ―Jay

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Officer Edwards. Oh, hey, geez, how’d these get here? I thought I turned ’em in to the proper authorities. ―Jeebs

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We’re gonna have a little chat with our friend here. You boys can hit the road… and keep on protecting us from dangerous aliens. ―Kay

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We need help. A professional. Someone with years of experience in intergalactic politics. ―Kay

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Top Men in Black Quotes That Will Make You Think Twice

Stop right there, or I’ll start wailing on your waxy, pointed ass! ―Jay

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So do I. The guy ran down a cephlapoid, Zed. On foot. Tenacity. That I can use. ―Kay

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All right. I’m in because there’s some next-level sh*t going on around here, and I’m with that. ―Edgar

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Okay, Beatrice. There was no alien, and the flash of light you saw in the sky wasn’t a UFO. ―Kay

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Silly little planet. I could rule the place with the right set of mammary glands. ―Serleena

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The United States Postal Service hasn’t quite kept up with today’s youth, but I can offer you some Berlin airlift stamps. ―Kay

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My problem is you being all up in my damn face all the time. ―Edwards

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We’re not even history. ‘Cause history implies there’s someone around to remember it. ―Kay

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What do you get, Nick? Hundred bucks a head? Two hundred? I hope you saved it all for your lawyer, pal, ’cause you’re gonna need. ―Agent Janus

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We got the use of unlimited technology from the entire universe and we cruise around in this? ―Jay

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Okay, okay, but don’t say I didn’t warn you, man. You just signed your own death warrant. ―Obadiah

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Sorry I’m late. The cab drivers on this planet are terrible. ―Rosenberg

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You don’t understand. Your world is gonna end. ―Prep

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Good. War means food for my family, all seventy-eight million of them. That’s a lot of mouths to feed, your highness. ―Edgar

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Okay, everybody, situation’s under control, calm down. If you’ll just give me your attention for a moment I’ll tell you what happened. ―Kay

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So basically you have a racial problem with all insect-based life forms? ―Jay

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Best Alien Quotes from the Movie MIB

Where there is death, there will always be death. ―Jay

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I’ve just been down the gullet of an interstellar co*ckroach. That’s one of a hundred memories I don’t want. ―Kay

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Everyone thinks their computer problem is the world coming to an end. ―Trevor

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What kind of emergency? What’s the rush to get off the planet all of a sudden? ―Kay

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Cause some of the other officers are a little soggy in the midsection. And they couldn’t keep up, sir. ―Edwards

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So I was thinking about making a chart for each time I save your ass. And when I do it ten times, you buy me lunch. ―Jay

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And when he gets here, I’ll kick his ass too. ―Edwards

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Hold up. You track me down, put me through those stupid-ass tests, now you’re trying to talk me out of it. I don’t get it. ―Edwards

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What the hell happened to make you such a callous son of a bitch? ―Jay

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There is the action and there is the intention. It is the intention we reward. ―Archanans

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Don’t tell me we’ve only got that powdered sh*t for cream again? ―Kay

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The galaxy is the best source for subatomic energy in the universe. If the bugs get their slimy claws on it, kiss the Arquillians goodbye. ―Frank the Pug

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My name is Zed. You’re all here because you’re the best of the best. Marines, Navy SEALS, Army Rangers…NYPD. ―Zed

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I can’t take it anymore. Talking to these nutjobs and all these goddamn hippies. God, I hate hippies. They’re just filthy, Kay. ―Warhol

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You’re not even allowed a favorite shirt. There. That’s the speech I never heard. That’s the choice I never got. ―Kay

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Quotes You’d Love to Tweet

We do not discharge our weapons in view of the public. ―Kay Share on XCan't help you, kid. Only comfort I can offer is that tomorrow, you won't remember a thing. ―Kay Share on XFrom unauthorized immigration to failure to properly inoculate prior to landing. ―Dee Share on XZed was saving the world before you were born, son. Show some respect. ―Kay Share on XWhoops. Gotta run. Thanks for the egg rolls. ―Kay Share on XEdgar, your skin! It's — it's — just hanging off your bones! ―Beatrice Share on XYou ran that guy down on foot? That's tough. That's double tough. ―Kay Share on XEverything they've ever "known" has been proven to be wrong. ―Kay Share on XDon't "Sir" me! You have no idea who you're dealing with! ―Kay Share on X

Download Best MIB Quotes

You can download this Best MIB Quotes PDF for Free here.


What is The Men In Black?

Men In Black is a series of science fiction action comedy films that follow two agents of a secret government organization, often known as the Men in Black, one who is human and one who is an alien, as they work together to solve cases involving aliens living on Earth.

What year was the first MIB movie released?

Men In Black I was released on July 2nd, 1997. It starred Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones and Linda Fiorentino. The movie made $15 million its opening weekend in theaters.

Why did Agent Kay tell Agent Jay he couldn’t use his memory erasing device?

Agent Kay told Agent Jay he couldn’t use his memory erasing device because it would only have erased his memories up to the point where Agent Kay got shot. So if he had used it then he would’ve lost any memories of what happened after that.

Why did Agent Jay hesitate when he first saw Lucy (Linda Fiorentino)?

Agent Jay hesitated when he first saw Lucy because she looked like a woman that Agent Kay had once loved but died while they were on assignment together.

What song did they play at the end credits?

The song played during the end credits is called Men In Black by Will Smith himself.

Who is Edgar in MIB?

Edgar is an alien who works for Serleena, a villainous alien from another galaxy. Edgar disguised himself as a pizza delivery guy and gave Kay (Tommy Lee Jones) false information that Serleena was hiding on an abandoned planet but she was really on Earth.

Who is Zed in MIB?

Zed is an alien who works for MIB as well. He’s an android with super human intelligence and strength.

Who played Agent Jay in MIB?

Will Smith played Agent Jay in MIB movies.

Who played Agent Kay in MIB?

Tommy Lee Jones played Agent Kay in MIB movies.


If you love this classic film starring Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith as two agents tasked with keeping track of aliens living on Earth, then these Men in Black quotes will help remind you of the film’s most memorable lines.

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You can visit Wikipedia to read a lot about MIB movies.

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111 Best Men in Black Quotes That Will Make You Smile - Verses | Quotes (2024)


What is the famous quote from Men in Black? ›

Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.

What is the plot of Men in Black? ›

What is an empowering quote for black men? ›

"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." "Truth is powerful and it prevails." "Somebody once said we never know what is enough until we know what's more than enough." "Each person must live their life as a model for others."

What is a powerful quote from black history? ›

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” – Nelson Mandela, former first President of South Africa and anti-Apartheid leader.

What is the wisest man quote? ›

I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.

What is a good quote about a man? ›

A man's greatness is not measured by his accomplishments, but by the content of his character.” “A true man is one who shows compassion and empathy towards others, and uses his strength to protect and support those in need.” “Real men take responsibility for their actions and strive to be better every day.”

What kind of person is the man in black? ›

By nature, the Man in Black is kind and sympathetic to the poor. But he seems to be ashamed of his natural benevolence. So, he puts on a stern appearance. But he cannot maintain this assumed harshness for long.

What is the theme of Men in Black? ›

The success of Men In Black tends to cloud the fact that it remains, to this day, an exceedingly strange film. It grapples with some enormous themes – loss, xenophobia, and finding one's place in an ever-expanding universe – all while chasing down one very grumpy co*ckroach with comedically tiny guns.

Who is the hero of the men in black? ›

Men in Black is a 1997 American science fiction action comedy film starring Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith as "men in black", government agents who monitor and police extraterrestrials.

What is the slogan of the 100 black men? ›

What They See Is What They'll Be®”is more than a motto. It is a source of motivation for all members in our 100 Black Men chapter network. Additionally, our motto serves as a constant reminder that we must consistently commit ourselves to personifying the type of people our children will look up to and emulate.

What are the quotes in black speech? ›

Black Speech Phrases
  • ash nazg durbatulûk “one ring to rule them all”
  • ash nazg gimbatul “one ring to find them”
  • ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul “one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them”
  • Uglúk u bagronk sha pushdug Saruman-glob búbhosh skai “Uglúk to the cesspool, sha!

What are some famous quotes black people said? ›

10 Motivational Quotes from the Black Community
  • “Freedom is never given; it is won.” – ...
  • “Never be limited by other people's limited imaginations.” – ...
  • “One important key to success is self-confidence. ...
  • “You never know which experiences of life are going to be of value . . .
Feb 27, 2023

What is a quote for black men leadership? ›

Find your own inspiration in the words of these great Black leaders from the last century and beyond.
  • "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. ...
  • "Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America." ...
  • "Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit.
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.