How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (2025)

If you are someone who enjoys watching gore and horror, the Alien franchise is something that is quite literally handcrafted for you. This franchise has been running for quite some time and has given us eight movies in total with another one on the way. Some of these movies were phenomenal but some were not so good. Now that Alien Romulus is coming up, it’s time to start watching Alien movies to get familiar with the franchise. Here’s how to watch the Alien movies in order in both release date and chronological order.

Table of Contents

Alien Movies in Release Date Order

  • Alien (1979)
  • Aliens (1986)
  • Alien 3 (1992)
  • Alien: Resurrection (1997)
  • Alien vs. Predator (2004)
  • Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007)
  • Prometheus (2012)
  • Alien: Covenant (2017)
  • Alien Romulus (2024)

Alien Movies in Chronological Order

1. Alien vs. Predator

How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (7)

Released in 2004, Alien vs. Predator is set in the same year and takes us to a crew led by Charles Bishop Weyland who is trying to investigate a heat signature they found buried in the ice under Bouvetøya, an island off the coast of Antarctica. However, their expedition ends horribly when they unleash the evergoing battle between Xenomorphsand three Hunter Predators.

But, this movie messes up the timeline and origin of the Xenomorphs set by the Aliens movies since a flashback also shows us that Aliens and the Predators have been at war with each other for a massive amount of time, basically, since before the dawn of human civilization.

2. Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem

How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (8)

Even though released in 2007, Alien Vs Predator: Requiem is set in the year 2004 and picks up right where the first Alien vs Predator movie left off. There are two versions of the movie where the extended one is slightly better than the original cut.

This movie and the previous one are constantly trying to impose that both the Alien and The Predator franchises are part of a big cinematic universe and end up revealing that the space travel advancement seen in Yutani Corp in the Alein franchise was taken from Predator tech.

3. Prometheus

How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (9)

Chronologically, this prequel movie, Prometheus, is the first one out of the Alien-Alien franchise. Set in the year 2089, this movie shows us that archaeologists Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway found a distant star dubbed LV-223 that can support human life. They are sent to LV-223, financed by Weyland Corporation, where they arrive in the year 2093.

This movie does not contain a lot of Alien action sequences but tells us a lot about “Engineers,” the ones who created them. If we look at this movie, classic Xenomorphs are nowhere to be seen and are nonexistent which makes the Alien vS Predator movies irrelevant.

4. Alien: Covenant

The story of Alien Covenant takes a massive leap in time this movie is set in the year 2104 which is exactly 11 years after the expedition we saw in Prometheus go missing. The colonization ship named Covenant is going to a planet named Origae-6 but an unidentified transmission of a human voice makes the crew of the ship look for who sent it, which leads them to an Earth-like planet.

Even though this movie once again does not give us a lot of classic Alien-like action there is just enough for the fans of this franchise to be happy. The selling point of this movie was that it gave the Aliens a strong origin point which once again does not align with what we saw in the Alien Vs Predator movies.

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5. Alien

How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (11)

The events we see in the original Alien movie take place in the year 2122 which sets it 18 years after what we saw in Alien Covenant. This movie is where it all began and everything that happens in this movie is pretty standalone. This movie reinforces that back on Earth, Weyland Corporation has learned about the existence of Xenomorphs by either a surviving member of previous expeditions or transmissions since Weyland-Yutani was seeking out these creatures.

6. Aliens

How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (12)

Set in the year 2179, Aliens takes us to Ellen Ripley, the sole survivor of Nostromo, who is rescued by her employers in deep space. However, what she tells them in her debriefing, is taken with a grain of salt by them. LV-426is now a massive terraforming colony and eventually, some employees come across dormant Xenomorph eggs which don’t stay dormant for too long.

7. Alien 3

How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (13)

Alien 3 takes place not too long after the events of Aliens where we see Ripley, Newt, Hicks, and the damaged android Bishop go into cryostasis. Ripley crash lands on a barren planet and finds herself trapped on Fiorina “Fury” 161 while being hunted down by the Xenomorphs at the same time. This suggests that everything that has been happening in this threequel is rather fast-paced. This movie was the last one in the original Aliens franchise and everything that followed after this was either a prequel or a sequel stemming out of everything we saw in these three movies.

8. Alien: Resurrection

How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (14)

Alien Ressurection by far takes the biggest time jump in the entire franchise the movie is set in the year 2381 which is a massive time gap of 202 years after the death of Ripley and the last known Xenomorph. However, in this movie, she was resurrected using a blood sample of hers along with a Xenomorph Queen. This movie by far does not have any other connection with the previous movies except the cloning of Ripley and is a fresh look at the franchise after such a massive gap in time in the franchise.

When Does Alien Romulus Take Place In the Alien Franchise

Initially, we had no information about the timeline where Alien Romulus will be taking place but in a conversation with Variety, Actor Cailee Spaeny, who will be playing the protagonist in Alien Romulus confirmed that this movie will be taking place sometime between the events of Alien and Aliens. In her comment, she stated-

It’s supposed to slot in between the first movie and the second movie. They brought the same team from ‘Aliens,’ the James Cameron film. The same people who built those xenomorphs actually came on and built ours. So getting to see the original design with the original people who have been working on these films for 45-plus years and has been so much of their life has been really incredible.”

As of now, we can’t say how much of an influence this movie is going to have on the franchise and what part it will play in the broader scheme of things, here are the movies you should watch before Alien Romulus.

How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (15)

How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (16)

Shashank Shakya

Shashank Shakya is an Entertainment Writer and has completed his Bachelors(Honours) with English Literature. He is a published writer. He boasts incomparable knowledge about the Marvel and DC universes along with other branches of entertainment with substantial experience in the field of writing.

How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (17)How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (18)

How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (19)How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (20)

How to Watch Alien Movies in Order (2025)


How to Watch Alien Movies in Order? ›

Produced and distributed by 20th Century Studios, the series began with Alien (1979), directed by Ridley Scott, and was followed by three sequels: Aliens (1986), directed by James Cameron; Alien 3 (1992), directed by David Fincher, and Alien Resurrection (1997), directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet.

How to watch Alien movies in order? ›

Here's the chronological viewing order, with a breakdown of each film's place in the timeline:
  1. Prometheus (2012) Set in 2093, this prequel explores humanity's search for its creators. ...
  2. Alien: Covenant (2017) ...
  3. Alien (1979) ...
  4. Alien: Romulus (2024) ...
  5. Aliens (1986) ...
  6. Alien 3 (1992) ...
  7. Alien: Resurrection (1997) ...
  8. Alien vs.
Aug 5, 2024

What is the Alien sequence? ›

Produced and distributed by 20th Century Studios, the series began with Alien (1979), directed by Ridley Scott, and was followed by three sequels: Aliens (1986), directed by James Cameron; Alien 3 (1992), directed by David Fincher, and Alien Resurrection (1997), directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet.

What order to watch Alien and Predator movies release order? ›

Alien/Predator films (release order)
  • Alien. 19791h 57mR. 8.5 (965K) Rate. ...
  • Aliens. 19862h 17mR. 8.4 (773K) Rate. ...
  • Predator. 19871h 47mR. 7.8 (461K) Rate. ...
  • Predator 2. 19901h 48mR. 6.3 (185K) Rate. ...
  • Alien³ 19921h 54mR. 6.4 (324K) Rate. ...
  • Alien Resurrection. 19971h 49mR. 6.2 (267K) Rate. ...
  • Alien vs. Predator. ...
  • Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem.

How do the alien movies fit together? ›

The release order of the Alien movies follows a linear narrative centered around Ellen Ripley, while the prequel films explore the origins of the Xenomorph. The upcoming Alien: Romulus movie will be set between the original Alien and Aliens, offering a new chapter in the franchise's timeline.

Is Alien: Covenant a prequel to Prometheus? ›

A joint American and British production, it is a sequel to Prometheus (2012), the second entry in the Alien prequel series, and the sixth installment in the series not counting crossovers and eighth film in the overall Alien franchise (three of which have been directed by Scott).

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According to Scott, although the film shares "strands of Alien's DNA," and takes place in the same universe, Prometheus explores its own mythology and ideas.

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Is Prometheus connected to Alien vs. Predator? ›

In both Prometheus and Alien: Covenant, the diabolical android David is seen creating the familiar xenomorph from the other Alien movies. Since these Alien prequels take place in the 22nd century – long after the present-day setting of Alien vs. Predator – they erased the crossover films from the franchise canon.

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Alien Resurrection is a 1997 American science fiction horror film, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, written by Joss Whedon, and starring Sigourney Weaver and Winona Ryder. It is the fourth installment of the Alien franchise, and was filmed at the 20th Century Fox studios in Los Angeles, California.

Why no Prometheus 3? ›

Prometheus 3 (or Alien: Awakening) is not in active development anymore, and in the worst case, cancelled. Given the lukewarm reception and box office struggles of "Prometheus" and its sequel, "Alien: Covenant," the likelihood of "Prometheus 3" materializing has diminished considerably.

Which Alien vs. Predator is first? ›

Produced and distributed by 20th Century Fox, the film series began with Alien vs. Predator (2004), directed by Paul W. S. Anderson, and was followed by Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007), directed by the Brothers Strause, and the development of a third film has been delayed indefinitely.

How did Ripley get infected? ›

After the crash, Newt's broken tube was flooded and she drowned. Since the Alien embryo required a living host, it escaped through Newt's mouth, swam to Ripley (whose tube had been shattered during the crash), forced her mouth open and crawled into Ripley's esophagus (explaining why Ripley has a sore throat).

Which Alien movie to start? ›

If you're looking to watch all the movies in theatrical release order, the correct list is below: Alien (1979) Aliens (1986) Alien 3 (1992)

How many Alien based movies are there? ›

The Alien movie franchise has evolved and expanded over the years in unexpected ways, already packing six “solo” installments (five if you don't count Prometheus) and two Alien vs. Predator crossover entries in which the fearsome Xenomorphs faced the most famous spacefaring hunters of all time.

Where does Alien vs. Predator fit in the timeline? ›

May, 1998 ADPredator: Captive
1999 ADPredator: Homeworld
October 1, 2004 ADWeyland Industries Timeline
Sunday, October 3, 2004 ADAlien vs. Predator
94 more rows

How are Prometheus and Alien connected? ›

Prometheus told a story in the same universe about the researcher Elizabeth Shaw (Noomi Rapace) and her search for the origins of humanity. While Prometheus was largely an original story, it tied in to the Alien continuity by the very end by revealing the origins of the Xenomorphs.

How to play Alien Isolation in order? ›

If you want to play them in chronological order it's Crew Expendable, Last Survivor, and finally the main game.
  1. Crew Expendable. The crew from the original Alien movie are reunited on the Nostromo. ...
  2. Last Survivor. ...
  3. Corporate Lockdown. ...
  4. Trauma. ...
  5. Safe Haven. ...
  6. Lost Contact. ...
  7. The Trigger. ...
  8. Season Pass.
Apr 28, 2022

What is the best cut of the Alien movie to watch? ›

The director's cut is shorter than the theatrical cut and has a faster pace, but it didn't drastically alter the film. Despite the changes, Ridley Scott considers the theatrical release to be the true version of Alien and the preferred viewing experience.

Is alien isolation connected to the movies? ›

Creative Assembly wanted Alien: Isolation to have a story that was closely related to the film. As a result, the team decided to explore a story set 15 years after the events of the film which would involve Ellen Ripley's daughter and the Nostromo's flight recorder.

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.