Answer the radio and leave the tower. Go to the cave that you visited on the previous day (CAVE 452). Along your path, in the spot in which Henry destroyed the sign, you can spot Delilah's tower in the distance and you can talk to her for a while.
Go to the cave that you visited on the previous day.
After you approach the interior, you can start the conversation (report on the fog) and tell Delilah a bit of your story. In the cave, you can also eavesdrop on the conversation your boss has. If, after you leave, you ask her about the person she has been talking to, Delilah will get upset and she will not talk to you for a while. You can ignore raising this topic and answer her question.
You can adopt the turtle that you find - after that, he appears in your tower.
Head towards CACHE 302. Once there, on the rock next to the yellow box, you find a baby turtle that you can take with you and name. In the box, you find a note and a map fragment which you should copy. If you look at the plank to the right of the box, you can remove it. Underneath, there is a book.
Note: If you have earlier gone to THOROFARE TRAIL, in the Eastern part of the map, you find a blocked passage there. On the rock, there is a turtle. If you pick it up, you do not find the other one in the spot mentioned above.
Examine the cut cable.
All in all, your task is to reach the end on the route. Follow the poles with hanging cables. From a large glade, near cache no. 302, you can climb up over the rock, where you find two beer cans (you can collect them as well). A bit ahead, you can report on the communications poles. Climb to the very top.
There, you find several more beer cans and a cut communications cable. Examine the cut ending and report over the radio. Return towards the cave.
In the backpack, you find ropes that are necessary for the further journey.
You can try and do this along the same path you came, but it turns out that the way is blocked. Instead, take the passage to the West of your current location (follow the trail of scattered beer cans). On the fork, go South, where you find a backpack hanging on a tree. In the backpack, there is a camera and quite a supply of ropes, thanks to which you can easily come down. With the ropes on you, you will be automatically leaving them behind, thanks to which you can use the same route on your way back.
You can use the camera ([C]) to take photos. You can view the collection after you complete the game.
After you reach the waterfall, walk onto the glade behind the rocks.
Your task is to return to the gorge and go to the lake. After you come sufficiently close, you receive information about smoke. In the South-Western corner of the map, there will be marked an area that you need to go to. To do this, go a bit towards the center of the map, from the lakeside. There, you find a path down, right before the first climb that you have completed on day 1 (on the map, it will be provided with a name that you chose over the radio, as long as you did it). The way ahead leads to your destination (there is CACHE 309 along your way, with information on a missing person).
Note: You can spot the billowing smoke beforehand, around CACHE 241. Thanks to this, the quest will be automatically updated and marked on the map.
Finally, you end the day by reporting on the notes left by the teenagers.
All in all, as you follow the brook, you will reach the waterfall a bit to the North of the fire marked on the map. Here, you find evidence for the girls' presence (examine the surroundings of the bonfire). Then, approach the tent. You can follow Delilah's suggestion and take a photo here. Read the note in the tent and report on it - you can either tell Delilah the truth or lie.
February 9, 2016
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