Compatibility with Edoras motherboard (2025)

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‎09-06-202301:09 PM - edited ‎09-06-202301:16 PM

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Hey, my brother has the omen prebuilt gaming computer with the i7 9700 and 1660 ti, and he was wanting to upgrade his GPU, I know that I will also need to get him a new power supply as his current one is not going to be powerful enough for a 3060. I just didn’t know if there would be a bottle neck with the system, or if I would have any problems upgrading his CPU, PSU, and RAM. (I also know that his ram is only good with DDR4 2666 ram. I was going to get him just an additional 16 GBs) I would appreciate any and all help!


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‎09-06-202308:13 PM - edited ‎09-06-202308:14 PM

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Welcome to our HP User Forum!

An HP Edoras motherboard (SSID: 84FD), as you can see here:HP Desktop PCs - motherboard specifications, Edoras | HP® Customer Support, is 24-pin ATX-power enabled, meaning, you can swap out your brother's power supply -if needed- with any ATX power supply, as long as you watch its dimensions (LxWxH) for fit inside his desktop case.

Please check out his power supply. If he got a 500-watt power supply, this would provide sufficient juice to power an RTX 3060. If it is less than that, an ATX power supply upgrade is necessary.

An i7-9700 is a very capable gaming processor and when paired with an RTX 3060 you should have no worries about any bottlenecks on your brother's system. Even though 2 x 8GB (1 x 16GB) of RAM should be OK, better still to pair your processor and a high(er) end graphics card with 2 x 16GB of dual rank (2Rx8) RAM, such as seen here:Timetec 32GB KIT(2x16GB) DDR4 3200MHz (or 2933MHz or 2666MHz) PC4-25600 CL22 1.2V Non-ECC Unbuffered.... When it comes to RAM, use the same brand, model, and capacity for best performance.

Hope this was helpful.

Kind Regards,


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    Compatibility with Edoras motherboard (2025)


    How do I know what my motherboard is compatible with? ›

    How can you ensure that a new motherboard is compatible with your hardware components?
    1. Check the CPU socket.
    2. Check the chipset.
    3. Check the form factor.
    4. Check the RAM slots and speed. ...
    5. Check the power supply and connectors. ...
    6. Check the other components and peripherals. ...
    7. Here's what else to consider.
    Nov 7, 2023

    How do I know if my motherboard is compatible with my graphics card? ›

    In conclusion, determining if a new GPU is compatible with your motherboard involves checking PCIe compatibility, power supply compatibility, and physical clearance. It's crucial to do your research and ensure that your hardware is compatible before making a purchase to avoid performance issues or hardware damage.

    How do I choose a motherboard compatibility? ›

    To ensure compatibility, check the specifications of the motherboard and compare them with the components you plan to use. Consider factors such as central processing unit (CPU) socket type, memory support, expansion slots, storage options, and power requirements.

    Are all motherboards compatible with everything? ›

    They are not compatible with all CPUs. Nowadays, motherboards are intended either for AMD CPUs or for Intel CPUs. Both have their own sockets and chipsets and are not cross-compatible. The sockets also change between generations of CPUs.

    How to know if BIOS is compatible? ›

    1 Check your current BIOS version

    The first step is to check your current BIOS version and compare it with the latest one available for your motherboard. You can do this by entering the BIOS setup menu when you boot up your PC, or by using a tool like CPU-Z or Speccy that can display your BIOS information.

    How to check if RAM is compatible with motherboard? ›

    The good news is that you can check whether a memory kit is compatible with a motherboard by tracking down the motherboard's Memory QVL. QVL stands for Qualified Vendor List and it's a vital resource for anyone looking to pair RAM with a motherboard.

    Do all motherboards support all graphics cards? ›

    It's a good question to ask before making a purchase. The compatibility of a graphic card with a motherboard can be determined by several factors, including the type of bus interface (PCI Express, AGP, or others), the number and type of video outputs, and the power supply requirements.

    Can any motherboard fit in any case? ›

    For example, have you chosen a large extended-ATX motherboard? If so, it isn't likely to be supported by smaller cases such as the 4000D and 220T. In order to solve this, you can either pick a larger case (one of the recommended cases) or pick a standard ATX motherboard instead.

    Do you have to match motherboard and GPU? ›

    Yes, GPU and motherboard needs to be compatible in order to make your PC work. Not just them but pretty much every components of your PC needs to be compatible with each other. The main 6 you need check are CPU, GPU, motherboard, RAM, PSU and your PC case.

    How to check motherboard processor compatibility? ›

    Answer: To determine CPU compatibility with your motherboard, check the socket type of both the CPU and the motherboard. The CPU socket type must match the motherboard's socket type for them to be compatible. Additionally, ensure that the motherboard's chipset supports the CPU's generation and model.

    Can I replace my motherboard with any motherboard? ›

    For example, you cannot just install an AMD CPU in a motherboard with an Intel socket. They are different sizes and configurations, and the chipsets on the board are not compatible. If all of your old hardware is compatible with your new motherboard, then yes, you can do a 1:1 swap.

    How can I tell that a computer part is compatible with motherboard? ›

    Here are a few tips that will help to ensure the motherboard and other parts you're purchasing will work together:
    1. Check the motherboard CPU socket and compare against your chosen processor.
    2. See what RAM the motherboard supports (example being DDR4 2300MHz).
    3. Similarly to the board, see what RAM the CPU can support.
    Jul 11, 2018

    How to check motherboard compatibility with GPU? ›

    1 Check the specifications

    These can be found on the manufacturer's website, the product manual, or the packaging. Specifically, make sure that the expansion slot on the motherboard matches the interface of the graphics card (usually PCI Express or PCIe).

    Does RAM need to match? ›

    Your PC will run at the speed of the slower RAM stick to prevent any compatibility issues. It is possible to mix RAM brands, but it is generally not recommended. However, if you've no other option, make sure that the other RAM has the same module type, speed, latency, and capacity as your existing RAM.

    Does every RAM work with every motherboard? ›

    Since each type of memory has different notch locations (which are important for installation), different memory technologies aren't compatible with each other. Motherboards are generally only able to support one type of memory technology.

    How do I know what motherboard to get for my computer? ›

    Here is what you need to consider before you buy.
    1. Form Factor. Initially you'll need to select a form factor. ...
    2. Processor Socket. After choosing a form factor you'll need to choose a processor socket. ...
    3. RAM (Random Access Memory) Next up, RAM, short for Random Access Memory. ...
    4. PCI Slots. ...
    5. Features. ...
    6. SATA.

    How to find a compatible processor for a motherboard? ›

    To determine CPU compatibility with a motherboard, the first step is to identify the socket type of the motherboard. This information is typically available in the motherboard's product specifications provided by the manufacturer. Once the socket type is known, you can search for CPUs that use the same socket type.

    How do you know your motherboard socket type? ›

    Once you have your motherboard model, you can look up the socket type on the internet. You can use a search engine or a database like CPU-World or PCPartPicker to find the socket type for your motherboard. The socket type is usually a combination of letters and numbers, such as LGA 1151, AM4, or TR4.

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